How to Disable Forced Auto Update on Samsung Galaxy One UI By TechnoGenuine

By TechnoGenuine
Aug 15, 2021
How to Disable Forced Auto Update on Samsung Galaxy One UI

Guys, this is a second channel, and today I'm going to show you how to disable auto update of one UI or any other Android system on your Samsung device. So the first step is to go to the settings very quick, then scroll down until you find software update and then from here uncheck these both options now click on biometric, same security, scroll down to the end until you find other security settings. Otherwise, you can simply search on the search engine, or you can locate it faster now, once you're here, just click on security policy and make sure you uncheck Oh to update now going back, make sure you uncheck this one, if not already, and then that's basically it from the basic settings. And now you need to have two developer option. If you don't, then simply go to bad device, then software info and then tap build number seven times until the developer has been enabled click on developer option. And then you should see Oh to update system simply toggle that up and that should do it.

Source : TechnoGenuine

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