Nokia 2.4 Unboxing And First Impressions ⚡ Big Display, Big Battery, Stock Android & More By Trakin Tech

By Trakin Tech
Aug 14, 2021
Nokia 2.4 Unboxing And First Impressions ⚡ Big Display, Big Battery, Stock Android & More

It has got some interesting things and some very not interesting. Let's open micro, USB, cable, sim card tool and case nice yeah they get in good quality case nice, not bad, not bad at all. Now, let's look at the phone all right, though. So, let's look, oh wow, but still you also have the case they and there is also a noise-cancelling microphone. Now this is good budget phone. Definitely, this is good, though it feels good.

It 190 grams, let's test it out, and it is HD plus display and body screen six point: five inch, USA to pixel density pixelated, but big screen and decent screen. All right. I see ram 64gb storage, it is not 3gb and 32gb, it is 3gb 64gb and scanner with 5 watt chargers, HD plus screen honeycomb, okay and yes, it also has extra buttoned google. So if you want a budget phone- and you want a Nokia phone, then you can definitely look at Nokia.2.4. Keep tracking and stay safe.


Source : Trakin Tech

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