Google Pixel Battery Repair & Replacement Guide - RepairsUniverse By Repairs Universe

By Repairs Universe
Aug 14, 2021
Google Pixel Battery Repair & Replacement Guide - RepairsUniverse

Google Pixel battery repair and replacement kind warning. You are performing this repair at your own risk. We claim no responsibility for any damages that might occur to perform this DIY repair. You will need nylon, spider, SIM card ejection tool, fine tip curved tweezers precision, knife said: premium, 2, millimeter, red adhesive, roll multi-purpose, heat gun, professional t5, Torn screwdriver, playing cards power down your Google Pixel smartphone, eject the NATO SIM card tray, the 5-inch Google Pixel AMOLED display assembly is glued on solidly and is a tight fit within the frame. Apply heat to soften the adhesive, use the precision knife to create enough space to insert a playing card with the playing card. Slicer the sticky, adhesive and carefully decouple the Google pixels screen from the following.

The display assembly is still connected to the Google phone, so don't try to remove it entirely. Just yet remove the following: 2 t5 Torn screws securing the bracket that covers the display cable with the bracket out of the way detach the cable from the motherboard and free the Google Pixel display assembly. Remove the following: 9 t5 Torn screws. The thin mid-frame is secured by snug press-fit notches, use a precision knife to release the clips and separate it from the rear case, but don't remove it entirely. Just yet lift the Google Pixel mid-frame and detach the ribbon connector from the motherboard then separate it from the phone sponge up the Google Pixel battery cable from the motherboard detach and extract the interconnect.

Cable, Google teases us with what looks like a pull to remove battery tab. We pull it only to find out is perforated on the bottom. The HTC made two thousand seven hundred and seventy William per hour. Google Pixel battery is adhered to the phone with two strips of adhesive, but with a little sputtering, it is readily removed, make sure to take a look at our other DIY smartphone and tablet repair. Tutorials, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Source : Repairs Universe

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