Evolution of Baldi in Baldi's Basics 2019 By IULITMx

Aug 14, 2021
Evolution of Baldi in Baldi's Basics 2019

Education and learning: that's me shiny time. People's no running in the halls, 50 seconds detention for you. When will you learn no running in the hall 45 seconds? Detention for you? You should know better all these basics and education and learning. That's me: Oh. Welcome to castle town give it rate come here and get your prize a shiny quarter, just click on it with the left mouse button to pick it up. Then, when you find something you can use it on right, click on the object with the quarter selected.

That's how you use items. You know problem one gun, one problem: two I see you friend, I have lost you I, don't like I am coming radio: hey I come. Will you marry me our wizards? We become you fight hard I am wrong. I, gotta, fight fight fight, I, gotta, fight, I, gotta, fight fight fight, I feel I have lost you I only really I. Am your parents will hear about this? One all these basics and education and learning? That's me: Oh welcome to my school adults.

Now what I would and my favorite subject is frequently you might get lucky battle by a quarter that time for as our tool, box, chorus and TR, you paint, or you think my answer. April's I can't believe at your haha. You've got it haha. A green $5 did forget my button. You wake up, and you find you're not but others I went a corner.

?, okay, I know, I, don't know. Oh boy, I can't believe at your again powerful. My dumb know it during school faculty only rooms in the home detention for you. When will you learn? Oh hi, welcome to my schoolhouse now it's time for everybody's favorite. Subject: man, great job, that's right, we're doing fantastic, good one! You did great come here and get your prize a shiny quarter, just click on it with the left mouse button to pick it up there in problem.

One I can't believe it you're incredible good one. Let's play with my rose. Give me something great for you, let's play with my rope. Are you ready set? Go one two and learning? That's me now. It's time for everybody's favorite.

Subject: problem one shop no running in the halls, 15 seconds detention for you, you should know better education and learning. That's me for everybody's favorite. Subject: you're incredible shiny quarter, problem fifteen seconds detentions for you. When will you learn? I see you I am coming radio and oh hey, like um I have lost. You believe I attention for you.

You should know all these basics and education and learning. That's me now it's long for everybody's favorite subject, one I can't believe you're incredible pre-shop! That's right! Sorry quarter problem, one god, one I, don't own the door here! I come 52nd detention for you. Your parents will hear about this. One I have lost you. I, don't like that.

I am coming really. Furthermore, I have lost new I, do no running in the hall 15 seconds detention for you. When will you learn the problem? Do back there are dead, people have built. The problem. Do bad behavior that the problem do back.

There are dead people secure the McAdams coeval Buddhist. Is it convenient if it mattered suppose, naturally its disposal? The way great journal got off lucky education and learning you detention for you. You should, I'll take that it's mine.

Source : IULITMx

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