Apple Watch How to Delete Apps (Series 6 & prior) By iVideos

By iVideos
Aug 15, 2021
Apple Watch How to Delete Apps (Series 6 & prior)

Hey guys, so I'm going to show you the weed apps on your Apple Watch. Now it's pretty simple! So first just go to your app page. Just press on this crown now from here so find the app that you wanted to read. I'm going to delete this one now just hold down the app for a few seconds. Oh, until I start to wiggle and you guys see that they have these x's in the top of corner now, not all of them have it, but for ones that do just press on the icon, so press on the app you don't need to press on the x in the corner, just the app itself. So it's going to confirm going to press the read app, and now you can press the crown to go back to the screen all right guys.

Hopefully this helped out.

Source : iVideos

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