🔎Apple iPhone 7 Plus Camera Test Video 6x Zoom Footage at 1080p HD 60fps Quick | HD Review By Vibrant Deals

By Vibrant Deals
Aug 15, 2021
🔎Apple iPhone 7 Plus Camera Test Video 6x Zoom Footage at 1080p HD 60fps Quick | HD Review

Alright, what's up YouTube I'm going to be testing out the video quality on the iPhone 7 plus I just got this in two weeks ago, and this is the matte black version and the 128 gigabyte. So with the iPhone 7 plus the zoom for photos is 10 times, as you can see here, it zooms and perfect I wish we had the 10 times for the video, but unfortunately for the video. We only have 6 times zoom, as you can see here on the screen, so I'm going to go and test this out real quick. As you can see here, this is a c-130 I'm trying to zoom into, and this is the full max six times right now. It is pretty crisp really or as well, and I'm, just going to try and zoom out slowly here and here's a helicopter I'm going to try to zoom into it again, always sometimes in now another test, ?, seven plus I'm, going to try to zoom into this little bird over here. The iPhone 7 plus only has six times in with the video zoom into those birds over there.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed the footage that I shot testing out the video quality of the iPhone 7 plus I'm, just out here about to wrap it up now solve any questions. Definitely comment below if you like, the video definitely give it a thumbs up and share it if you enjoyed it and stay tuned for more videos like these to come. Thank you all for watching.

Source : Vibrant Deals

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