Apple iPad Pro 11" Battery Charging Speed Test By Kanwar Anand

By Kanwar Anand
Aug 15, 2021
Apple iPad Pro 11" Battery Charging Speed Test

Hey guys this is an iPad Pro. The 11-inch model 2018 model, it's fully out of battery I'm gonna, be doing a battery charging test. I have with me a 61 watt, MacBook adapter. This is a USB, see fruits I'm going to plug it in I'm, gonna, see how long it takes to charge from 0 to 100 I've now plugged it in and let's start the stopwatch. Okay, pretty much as soon as I plug that in that came up. Ok, it's now going so, let's see how long it takes to charge from no battery situation to 100%.

Ok, guys, I, think about 20-some minutes have passed now. Let's see how it is at 26 minutes it's at 28% Wow, not bad guys. Let's see how much time it's been! It's been 54 minutes now and let's see what this is at its at 57%, so 54 minutes, 57%, okay, guys its like one hour, 15 minutes! That's 75 minutes! Let's see what it said. It's at 75 percent after 75 minutes, I never knew a day would come where an iPad would charge this fast amazing after 1 hour, 34 it's at 87%. So in 94 minutes, 95 odd, he's at 87 1 hour, 52 minutes, 93 percent, 97 percent after 2 hours and 14; okay, guys its complete at two hours, 24 minutes, I, think in a minute or so as gone by.

We do our 23 to our 24 minutes to get to 100% guys. So that's pretty good! Actually, I, don't think I mean it's bloody, fantastic. If you ask me, you have battery, which will last you maybe a couple of days, maybe a week depending on your use, age I. Think it's too much of a good thing. I think the size of this battery is 7812 mAh William hours, so a hundred percent in just two hours, 20 odd minutes with my MacBook charger, that's fantastic guys! I'm gonna, do a quick recap with the Box supplied charger.

Also in case you have that I also think they went with the USB-C port because it enables them to use the fast charging which Android phones use because I don't think the Lightning, like the lighting connector, had any fast charging technology which could be this part. This is fast, possibly it's just it's just a theory. I have thanked you guys for watching hit that, like button, be a good person.

Source : Kanwar Anand

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