Apple iPad Mini 5 - Unboxing for Pubg - Tech in Tamil By Irfan's view

By Irfan's view
Aug 14, 2021
Apple iPad Mini 5  - Unboxing for Pubg - Tech in Tamil

Tonight I think is a microphone on a graph and display on the gaming coil. If I read a book and even on a lark on I can feel it. So here were phony viburnum party now on the iPad me unbox upon a pony. Yes, an iPad me when the CARIBOU I overlooked us to put a knife, but in our present any activity about opinion lays it down on the rumba and the patina, mother or whatever product is useful time like easier got a second, but the EPOS talk and give me in that number military or in the issues in 11 area, iPad product evenly on the Apple Store. For answer a chromosphere on surveillance, digital parents. Are you after a national place? Again, nothing opponent give me an online.

They left all that this value were straight, no more funny: because, Sheila, OLD, lair or a pony on the ice in the carriage unable to shall present hanging up everybody crazy. Yet if you didn't see park, and you are monitoring Iraq, this is the box itself. First, another iPad Bhangra Apple products like the ones any good second product, second or third product I- think third product they're not getting is there in the community now on the iPod P North in your purse, it as you spawn a cow Marlowe legit thing could be an iPod or anything on a garage. So he is the render I responded care. Another GoPro.

Yes, so looking forward for this main I'm gonna karma, now on the Bob Dylan bugs you, this dream, Portland, say they're, giving channel I, say now: analyze channel family availability, but then you dig up for one day year now, and I put on for now. So you promise you this can come. Will pop genome particular PS4 game, a particular you can come Daily Mail in these women are behind. You can, I think I will do because I mean all of them put a stream for now in the top. Let's unbox this in the iPad Mini party, now on the fifth generation since generation iPad down the cone a powerful are the last generation is on the legs 812 ships on there.

So one of the good ship I'm glad I am God chip, / tip /. Let's unbox, this camera alibis are on my back over here. It's just good tea or electronic gaming in, and they are you spotted rag or a tablet. Okay, so let's open it Ramadan a what a mud surprises. Both you know in the 34900 box love, but then boy likes layer on the patina or demand create ponder Galv?n key in the module and I said early 135 500 extra con jobs, let's open it who the product is here? Oh my god.

Yes, this is good together! Watch it laughs your need to learn about a lot of charge. The lumbago is different. That is it so first step in a paper, perhaps along with the Yamaha iPad Mini. Even when you find in water-related a man, hi Ricardo you go buy a lot of rather than the model of a pod on Amanda didn't get a tire on here. So you don't know us be seeing eye on the Lightning connector on I have written actually so now, the years we see the cool and actually top in water.

But then in you know what other sorry for all over there is been lightning now on their other than the Apple Kilos this. How you guys know that go through Ghana, okay, good enough, yes, wall, charger, 10, watts, Roberto Room, robots in the day. Well, then, I think worker down on Iran all of them. Now they didn't make any other sticker la Cuban pas de grace ticket Apple stickers, for you say: hola Maria made yes, whatever game put it on eBay yea, mad runner yeah, you know, yeah I usually do I. Did the other Apple product on the charger got a phone line? Tell you what do we have? Actually, when there's a negative part of Islam? Let's open this, this is it: oh, my god, 10 11, 11 energy from there I did money on with it.

We 70 that is this phase great and especially on longer now and between a friend Clemente, but Dina is a very abyssal resetting, laugh you pee Brazil under any notes on the black leather, clad in a white layer. You know the color alone on a cola in depth on the white London and the golden wrong. So this is it so, let's start this thing, your brother, by re-boil extra-long into the tiger. Even they and the way, let's sit on it already. I am Sarah she's, our friend touch ID equal to gamma, actually regular lab, but face it.

You can have it friend. Clark thinks a hologram, you need my love. Excel very popular will be predicated because it could be our only Apple iPad. All unity, I think, is a microphone on Iran good to know. Kela's speakers with that's all it's very simple in the patina on the Eve, but I won't do right.

Part now see I Paranthropus around it's coming like easier see in the whole panel Allah. They couldn't, you know any person. Are you going to come and iPad Pro, not a person against 80 to 90 or the expensive, where our game car an hour, long amount of the newest champ and also in now, and they know, English hundreds, the cadet, okay, but then I don't know, hold burning lot of the custom when the purser concertina are a little okay? But you know it's very hard to like food. Is children? Are terrific he's not gonna light of only will pay devotion Marta great! That's what I love about this. So, let's fire in the hole anomaly the hole I can never do one two three! Yes on energy happens, it happens, simple manga, the original America.

It was, however, no more mom Tina, Tina, Tina, Tina change, hello, press home to open, yes, I think what is the matter there you know in a country region is a lot MMM I set up on it on the rock. We are from India Quick-start, yes, Quick-start in upon our scripts. That set up manually prefer language, English keyboard, English, dictation English, yes, yeah, oh my god. Nobody now and upload a hotspot, 100 again Bayonet ta grow. Okay.

We have a heart for adamant of the day. One plus eight is wrong. It's you know, or Depart spot here, zigzag a hot squat anarchic our game. Reading a bottler because office is not working because of the poet nineteen personal, so a Sun box I mean like setup on it ? or a little head up. One earring I know when they put the updated up on it.

When hammer is there Oh open another actually providing and they've attached fingerprint is for night top Pune on a chicken under someone that she display fingerprint on there, and I can just lower come on autofilled in the Athens about an hour, more opinion faster, and this is now man so in the iPod about this one was a one point: nine inch Retina display the full of 336 pixels per inch on either I put the converse of ROM Bar -. What does the pocket on the screen itself? I love, bright, dot, music. There. You know some true tone that they're saying everything but civilian and the display on the gaming, coke and even on a lark on I can feel it on the word swiftness it. You know sort of the normal sixty Hertz to split up, but then it's but away he's putting he is greater than I'm up Rotomahana like super agates buttery, we're saying 326, PPI pixel per inch and Wonder 2048 into 1536 resolution Lawanda in the screen: 812 burning ship, National, Missouri and m2l coprocessor and camera on the pin re only 8 megapixels, with 2.4 official holidays video together on a 1080 pixel on the 35th. The cleric Marathi community are there's so much I.

Now 720 fp7 and depicts alone. They 120 F, face at the glass, but here in harmony, vanity, pixel at them as show'm autumn, are going slow motion miles to mop lacunae most time the front camera on. Do we pronounce the energy in camera even on a camera? I use font raga, so he's on the front camera on then yeah. Now only the patient, Economize assaulted. A video called laugh upon the useful on over there.

What the body faces a selfie planer and there is an are you know what hang on a minute equal to or equal to whatever customer, also on the lower clarity in lap, but it looks good it boy now they have so many rights here, and you're like taking your later Que seen Allah. It looks good the community in a last I responded, Rahman, Allah community and also on the iPhone or iOS. Today in the OS Juan, the different citizen, banana I can see differences like every knock if we put in them by the phenomena like in the mother, research is over there and link in the bottom now than the notification equally different. Are it now, maybe like an update on all different I'm looking forward to is this kind upon on the 1 plus 8 programmers? If you now look at a video and upward Allah, my name is Paula at least for one week: chimera against Canada on they ended up. Full is full lunar I'm using it nice penalty that it can, I will tell you guys about it and pur?e on the bottom.

In a vase and the matte or black finish. Remember you I! Let initial to the park on this corner. ? Oh doesn't matter 30 there and going to Allah SEA benefit, whatever unlock area there, it feels good, useful and upon a lot. I guess even hold preferred a look at this if you full a whole banana in Europe tablet to go for new lab Dean. So long in the modeling is controversial again in the world.

Sighs, Dante and chrome popping I have to say hello Apple in animosity, when they people give sound and a charm on the pump good. You know: okay and also not animal Dirac. On the body now, there's a flow video Brazil, helium Gallium given download a period expensive on Apple Korea, there's thirty-five five hundred for an iPad I will order products usual lot of Backstroke's work on you and I know that and even the Wi-Fi button. Now, if you handful or credit, add another screen, seven point nine inches go to tell mother. They can afford all this I think on an iPod product like that.

It has very thick tin on our chin and navy record. Yes and Roberto know the product of it is yeah no more pin on our product, a candy bar in the iPad within a salt and I put in your attention upon enter compensated a so looking forward and also on the object. We don't already know anything out at cinema, so I will be streaming it in my gaming channel link in the description it funds gaming, so I'll see you guys there as well a video personal like what the sharpening yeah and ninja iPad Mini useful in to me now, kombucha, developer, Rico or where else have this in an unconverted swelling up I, see gauge to more another video till then bye.

Source : Irfan's view

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