Mophie iPhone XR Juice Pack Access Case! This One Is Different! By Phone Tech At Work

By Phone Tech At Work
Aug 15, 2021
Mophie iPhone XR Juice Pack Access Case! This One Is Different!

Hey, what's going on everybody, this is Alan Anthony for phone tech, I work, and today we're looking at a case from Sophie for your iPhone centaur. This is the two thousand William juice pack access case, so we start the video I'm sure you want to talk about pal. Alright guys we already have a Sophie Juice Pack access for your iPhone 10 are two thousand million in this case guys, and it does actually work with wireless charging. So that's definitely a plus. So if you guys want to pause this and really for yourself, you definitely can. If you guys want to pause that and read it for yourself.

You definitely can, and it does work with your apple headphones. The wide ones- and we do have some more information here in the package that does work with wireless charging, priority plus charging compact design and raise corners. So let's just see exactly what this come with a shot. It's a move for sending this out to me, and it looks like it's its on right now, so here's the case itself does have a nice little matte finish on there. So does have an open port.

So it's not a closed the device, and it looks like it charges with type C. Does this come off if this does actually come off? Let's see how this works so on the inside. You do have the Sophie, and we have that little symbol for wireless charging over here, most urban Oh, more or less stuff. So let's just pop this baby in and see what it looks like just like that- and you can just pop this on as well, so I'm curious. How does this charge this then hmm interesting uh? Let's see this is weird.

Let me see how this works on the inside. You have a type-c cable sure it would be the U. S. be type-a. This doesn't charge.

Somehow this is a definite something different. So probably right back, let's see exactly what's going on alright guys, so we are not back. I finally figured this out, so it's exactly what I thought it was. It actually wirelessly charges your iPhone without even connecting to the actual port. Now I haven't had a Sophie, Juice Pack in a very long time and I.

Remember that a lot of the battery places, including the one from zero limit, you have to fit your lightning port into the case, now fish out some old saying that they love you by the way. So how this works is you just hold this down, and it's gonna power up and actually charge your phone without even touching the port. So it's actually off right now, so hold it down for three seconds all right. Just like that, and you see the four LED, and now it's charging the phone. The cool thing about this is that you're able to charge it with type C, and it doesn't actually charge the phone at the same time as a battery case, so you will have an iPhone that actually charges with type C entirely up to you.

How you want to do it so to keep in mind guys that this thing is basically slow charging your iPhone, because it does use a source just like while charging, and it does actually work with, while the charging, as well as far as the whole idea of it I'm- definitely filling it you're, actually able to listen to your headphone and charge your phone at the same time, you're slow charging it. So this is a 100 bucks case and the official application is about 130 dollars, but- and this one has a little more juice, and you're able to use your lightning port at the same time. So, if you guys want to pick this up, the link will be down below. If you guys like this video, please give it a thumbs up and follow. Fonseca I worked for more videos like this of the iPhone sent are in both the cases.

Peace in love. I'll see you guys in the next video, better yeah. This is definitely different.

Source : Phone Tech At Work

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