11 inch iPad pro unboxing By Rachel Liza

By Rachel Liza
Aug 15, 2021
11 inch iPad pro unboxing

Hey guys it's me again, but if you do not know me, my name is Rachel, and today I'm doing a pad pro 11-inch unboxing. So I'm going to tell a story like a really quick one. If you don't really want to hear it, then you can skip to this time stamp, but anyways yeah, so I've been saving up for this. For, like almost a year, because I started saving in January, and it's like November right now. Well, it's not that member, yet anyways, it's close to November, so I've been saving to buy the pen, the iPad and the case, basically that added up to like a thousand something dollars, so I've been just waiting right. I've been saving up money.

So basically, there's been like a few setbacks. It's like the universe, doesn't really want me to buy an icon anyways. So basically, my friend dropped my camera in some water, and then I had to buy a new one, so that was a minor setback. I was looking for good deals and I found mine at Costco, so I bought yeah Costco for brand new I've, never really bought anything brand. New because I like to save my money and I, normally get Apple refurbished.

What doesn't come in like the box or whatever, but anyways I have the one from Costco, and they didn't have the color that I wanted in store? So they just have the Space Gray one in store, and they didn't have the like silver one in store, and I'm, just like, because I thought I'd get it that day right and then today, I was supposed to pick it up. But I had this thing at the rink and I had to stay longer and at Costco closes at 8:00, and I was at the rank till 7, which means I had to go home and then done it and pick me up. So dad just got it for me. But here we are, and I have my iPad now I don't know if anybody cares about the story, but um yeah I'm so excited like I was so excited. Also like I'm, not trying to brag I mean I, don't think anybody gives it but yeah.

So, let's get with this unboxing, so I have a pen. I got the generation, 2 pens, and then I have the case. This is the pink one. They were only like four options, and this wasn't what I liked? There's just white black and navy, and I was like Navy's, boring and black is boring and white he's going to like get too dirty, but like pink skinny and dirty ?, but it's like better than white anyways. Nobody wanted to hear that long explanation.

Are you guys ready for this? It's going to be something somewhere up in here. It feels perfect. You know how like, when things are like mad, but they're like smooth and that's what it feels like um. This is my first time getting anything like not refurbished, so this is kind of a big deal, free ideas. How am I supposed to get it out? No I got it.

I got it. Okay, oh my god. I can't believe I get this I'm, not I'm, trying that door. Sorry, but oh my gosh, so this one has like the face recognition, so it like doesn't have all that's my ring light. It doesn't have a home button and the phone that I have right.

Now is a 6s, so I don't have any devices that don't have a home button. It's really light. I didn't really expect it I, don't know. I have been looking at the store like I've, been thinking about this. For so long, and I decided to save for it, but yeah I, don't I's very light.

It's super flat, ? I, don't know why I don't know I. My parents have like an older one. There's kind of goes like this, like it's kind of thicker in the middle, but this much is literally flat. Here's the rest of the box, whatever just came out of it. That was what was left.

Oh well, I didn't know this, but obviously it comes with a little block. Also, my nails look like crap because I, really can't when my nails like, if they just come off. Anyways but I, didn't know this, but they come with this. So like it's not a normal charger. This is like the charger like my computer.

Because I have a newer computer. It has like a different charger, not like the thick one, but this thin little thing and I didn't know how different charges, but I guess iPad pros have like computer chargers. I guess that is all that comes in the box of the iPod uh. Here's the case. It's a very nice light, pink color and I love with this color I kind of wish.

There were like more options for colors I mean it's time. I, don't think. I have the ability to make this. As that I guess like to ruin things. I can't get something.

Why do they make this so hard? Oh, wait just kidding, there's the thing on the back: mm-hmm, okay minute bring the camera down a little here. It is probably should have put it at this angle at the beginning, but yeah here's the case, whoa I, don't know! Maybe I just haven't put enough research in this, but basically it has no side, so the iPad just sits in it. I guess, okay, that was stupid. Oh, but it sticks in the case. I! Don't know why! So if you drop it, it might fall out.

Be her warned kind of nice, you can see the sides then like a normal, I pad you just kind of like go like this, and then you can, like you know, have it propped up all that stuff. Nice now pen story here is I, wanted a new iPad, because mine's like ancient, like the iPad Mini, was like first a second iPad Mini ever, so it's very old, it's very slow. You know how Apple products are they just get slow once a new product come out, yeah mine's really slow for my thumbnails. If you guys look at my channel like I, like drawing on the thumbnail and that's hard to do with your finger on a smaller screen, so I wanted to get the pro because you can use the pen with it, and it's a bigger screen, and maybe I can edit on it too. Oh also, I got the two 156 gigabytes, just in case I wanted to edit on this ?, because you can't edit on your iPod here is the 10.

So basically this is supposed to stick on the side of the case. It's probably why the case doesn't have any sides. Oh my gosh. This is the generation 2, so it was more expensive, but it was the only one that went with this model, so I had to buy it. Oh my gosh yeah and I had it engraved ?, so why it took a little longer to get here.

Don't know if you can see that right. There does my name on it says Rachel in case I lose it and let's test this out, I, don't know why I like to shake things just test show: let's turn it on. Maybe I need to charge it I, don't know. I've never got anything like this before I. Don't know what to do.

Oh, here she is she's. Waking, an iPhone or iPad running iOS 11 or later bring it nearby sign in automatically, so I have this. This is my old one compared to my new one. Okay, so did I. Do it right? Is it working I do I? Oh my gosh? Okay, so it says setup new iPad use your Apple ID.

Yes, I'd love to do that. I'd rather not set this up. Mangling! There's this circle, I'm filming me! Oh, but look it's like this blue circle. Oh I, did it I, don't know how long this video is going to be, but I want to test out some things that I've been wanting to do and show you guys what I've been wanting to do is like use procreate. That is one of the like top drawing apps, so you can use space ID.

This is my. This is what I've been waiting for? Okay, I, look kind of rough right now, iPad hold iPad. How close to my face. It is in the frame a little lower. I am moving it a little.

Oh okay, so you like. Do it twice? That's nice! Okay! So I got my Apple ID. Oh my gosh, okay! No! This is something I'm so excited. Oh, my gosh, so guys right now, I am installing the new software update, but I just I had to make a new backup on this iPad to put on here also kind of in potato mode, because it is nine o'clock right now didn't really feel like dressing up in something nice. That is my excuse.

She has updated. Okay, now we're restoring from iCloud staking okay, so I'm back, and it's finally working yeah. It took quite a little while to get it up and starting because I had to like to do a lot of things that took quite a while of loading. So here we are and right now I'm choosing the appearance. There's like a light and dark choice.

Personally I, like light, that's why I picked the silver one, not the Space, Gray one, even though they had the Space Gray one in the store and I could have gotten a quicker welcome to iPad thank Jesus. Okay, let's get started so basically, this is just like my old one. It has the same background and everything I kind of want to just change everything. Everything right now is updating a lot of games that I had done not work on my old iPad because it was so old. Oh now, I can actually use them on my anyone.

Once procreate starts up I'm going to test that I'm going to change my background, I'm going to move over to one side, so you can see the screen because I'm going to record it so right now, I'm going to just change my lock screen or like quick, bigger I want them bigger. Just because I have a big screen, there are different ones. This is new whoa, okay, I kind of like the paint ones. I want to do a paint one, this 1 whoa, that's amazing, holy holy, not the perspective zoom on said that, and I'm going to do this one for my home nice. Ok! Now it feels newer because there's a new background procreate.

It's just come up, but first I need to connect. My pen I'm not like entirely sure how to use this Oh Apple Pencil I see. Ok, so let's go to procreate. I'm going to make a new project. Oh, okay.

Ah, that's cool! You can switch from pen to racer, okay, I'm gonna press hard. Oh my gosh! No, like rush I've been wanting to use it's like at the brush pen. One! That's the whole reason: I kind of got this look. Okay, so I just erased it. That's really cool okay, I double tapped! If you can see the top right, it changes now I'm back to the brush pen.

Let's try writing obviously I'm, not that good. Yet, but I mean it's kind of cool I'm super excited. If you guys want to see some sneak peeks of other things, I'm doing unless they've already posted it. I just posted my fall video right here, so you should watch that. But this is my other one something I've been seeing recently is that you can put things up on a red bubble, store for free, basically not for free, but like its less money than actually trying to have your own like business.

So I was thinking that since I just got this I can make designs on here then put it on red bubble. I do have an account I'll link it down below, but yeah. That's it for today's video umm I hope you liked it I, don't know this. Video is more of a like me thing, because I was very excited, but hopefully you'll be seeing better content from now on, because main reasons why I bought this was for thumbnails and also for my videos, umm I, don't know if you guys have seen it recently, but more people have been like drawing doodles and making it their titles. So they make these like anime, like titles and I, really want to do that.

Just because it's kind of fun, I, don't know, but that's all I want to do for my videos, guys haven't seen sometimes I put little like orders or like polka dots on the screen, but that's stuff that I really like, so I'll, be making more of those with this, and I'm super excited. Thank you. So much for watching I hope you enjoyed it. If you liked this video, like it, that's it for today's video bye.

Source : Rachel Liza

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