Xiaomi Mi 11 vs Mi 10T Pro vs iPhone 12 Pro Max PUBG Mobile Gaming Test, Snapdragon 888 Good or Bad? By Golden Reviewer

By Golden Reviewer
Aug 13, 2021
Xiaomi Mi 11 vs Mi 10T Pro vs iPhone 12 Pro Max PUBG Mobile Gaming Test, Snapdragon 888 Good or Bad?

Hi guys welcome back to golden reviewer. Today we have the newly released me 11 with snapdragon 888. Here we are going to run the PUBG mobile game at HDR and 60 fps on it and compare it against the best other devices like the iPhone 12 Pro max with Apple A14 and the Xiaomi mi 20 pro with snapdragon 865, okay. Without further ado, let's go so as shown here. I've set all the devices to HDR, plus AA, plus shadow and fps, but the reason I'm not running this at 90fps is: firstly, the iPhone 12 Pro max does not support 90fps and, secondly, I have to use a gfx2 to unlock Nike fps. However, the GFX 2 does not work on android 11.

That means there is no way to unlock 90 fps on the Xiaomi mi 11, either. Okay, so I'll actually just run this game at officially supported settings which is HDR and 60. So, okay, now I'll show 10 minutes of real-time gameplay, with fps meter shot on the top of the display. If you want to see you can take a look at this for the full 10 minutes. Otherwise, you can skip to the end of the video for the end result.

Where are you from oh do so so? Okay, now, let's take a look at the result. So for the fps part, there is no surprise there. All the devices are able to maintain a 60 fps throughout the 10 minutes, gameplay. Actually at HDR settings at 60fps. The PUBG mobile is not a super demanding game anymore, and most of the mid-tier devices can maintain 60 fps.

What's more interesting should be the power consumption of these three devices because they are all running the same game as the same setting as the same frame rate. So, whichever ha uses the least amount of power should be the most power efficient device. According to Qualcomm, the snapdragon 888 should bring at least 20 to 25 percent uh improvement over the snapdragon 865 in terms of power efficiency. So actually we expected that the power will drop from the mi 20 pro to the mi 11. However, that's apparently not the case here.

The snapdragon 888 is actually the least power efficient device of all three. It uses a 4.18 watt of power, which is way too high. The snapdragon 865 is actually better than the 888. It uses only 3.5 watt of power, while the iPhone 12 Pro max with Apple A14 chip is the most efficient here only using 3 watt of power. Okay, that's it for this video remember to subscribe for more comparison and test.

Videos see you next time.

Source : Golden Reviewer

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