Will the iPhone 8 Scan Your Face? (TB News) By Jon Rettinger

By Jon Rettinger
Aug 15, 2021
Will the iPhone 8 Scan Your Face? (TB News)

Time for something new for the iPhone 8. In this episode of TV news, we've heard the old rumors for a while now perhaps a 5.7 5.8 OLED screen wrapping all the way around the fingerprint sensor being built right into the screen. New camera sensors different sizes, something we haven't heard yet just surface from Allan company analysts was claiming that we are going to have facial recognition built into the phone to save you the time Android. Do it first, in fact, I think. Actually Microsoft did it first with Windows Phone. We don't know if it's going to be some sort of retinal scanning or facial recognition, but somehow the iPhone 8.

If you want to believe County company, is going to have facial and or gesture recognition. So here's the full quote so Timothy occurring the analyst said, and I quote, features appear to include some former facial gesture recognition supported by new laser sensor and infrared sensor mounted in the front facing camera as expected, and should also finally include wireless charge. A finally I've been saying wireless charging like every year on the iPhone for the past, like five, so eventually I'm going to be right, and I'm going to brag on that year. That I knew it was coming. I just had foresight like six years ago.

So whether it is going to happen, who knows, looks like the iPhone is really starting to take shape, although we're still about eight and a half months from the September 2017 launch, you're, still, okay, with your iPhone 7 or 7 plus. So again, the rumors look like we have three different phones, perhaps that this facial recognition can reserve that top line phone, that's going to have that OLED display with a glass back allegedly as well as your fan, the iPhone for design you're going to be happy, hopefully iPhone 8. You have to have direction how to hold it properly. To get signal. Reception, social recognition is kind of cool.

It can be used for security, perhaps in place of or supplement some sort of touch. I'd, perhaps touch ID sensor is going to go away. Maybe they couldn't get it to work in the screen and also be used to unlock your phone and kind of cool and novel way. Also, smile recognition take pictures, and you help you got it. Pickle smile, snaps, so iPhone a trimmer shaping up September launch coming soon excited about this.

You carry already bolted to android. Are you waiting to get that hot new phone suppose they will also have better waterproofing only unto ip68? So hey, that's good. The next time I'm driving techno Buffalo important a lot. You guys will yell at me. I just did stipulate too much.

So it's for you see you guys together. Next video.

Source : Jon Rettinger

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