Unboxing and first impressions: 2020 Acer CP713 i7 Convertible Chromebook By Justin Whyte

By Justin Whyte
Aug 15, 2021
Unboxing and first impressions: 2020 Acer CP713 i7 Convertible Chromebook

Hey guys welcome to unbox this, and today we're going to be unboxing. The all-new Acer spin 13, and this is a convertible Chromebook, with an IPS touchscreen 16 gigs of RAM I, 7, processor, 128, gigabytes of flash memory. I cannot wait to open this. If you look closely, it is sealed, as can be, let's open it. The seal is broken questionnaire about your Acer device. Ask us support number nice, so, just, just taking a look at this and feeling it, it feels really nice like this is actually quality.

You can tell it's its much higher quality and just for a basis of comparisons. I actually have. This is a MacBook Pro it's about a year and a half old, and this is a brand new Acer Chromebook, three one five. So this is the seven one three, and you know this feels cheap I mean it just feels cheap. What am I going to say this? Obviously it's a MacBook.

It feels nice, but I'm telling you this actually feels nicer than the MacBook and I love. These chrome hinges on here. So you know on this side. You've got here, USB see your USB micro SD, a headphone jack and then USB see again and power and I assume that's volume. So let's go ahead and boot it up for the first time see what we get.

Oh, yes, I also forgot to mention that the lets forgot to show you this in the front is where the actual stylus is. So, if you reach under here and actually I, don't know why I'm having a problem with it, it's not actually that hard to grab pretty easy to pull out. Oh, there's our first boot. Let's go I mean this screen is just beautiful, I, don't know what else to say: I mean it's I'm. Looking for this to replace.

Basically, everything I have my iPad as well as my MacBook for most things. I do a lot with the clouds. I really don't need to have a lot of computing power, but this has an i7 and 16 gigs of RAM. So I don't know, I'm, really impressed I. Think it's on sale right now for I.

Think I got it for about 900 bucks, but the list is like 16, so you know. Hopefully you can get your hands on one, and thanks for watching.

Source : Justin Whyte

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