Tech News : Pixel 4a is going to destroy budget and mid-range phones By MJ Reviews

By MJ Reviews
Aug 14, 2021
Tech News : Pixel 4a is going to destroy budget and mid-range phones

Hey guys hi do it. We had the pixel for a guy coming out soon, so we have a news here: Google picks up for a inch closer to lunch as it gets the FCC certified this phone. Ladies and gentlemen is going to destroy a lot of budgets and mid-range phone, so be careful this phone. If it goes up right now, it's going to destroy a lot of phones. Man I have the pixel to, and I'm still using the pixel to, and it shows really great pictures really. One of the best pictures I've ever seen like just the straight or too short like there is no competition for a pixel camera up to be honest with you, especially if this actually is the hardware talking about the Sony camera, the 12.2 camera on the back, there will be no competition, even mid-range, earphones and I. Don't know the only thing that a mid-range phone could get.

You know better than this. One is if they have a mid-range phone with the ultra-wide camera, very nice health reward and very nice periscope. This is the only way because this phone I know the pixel can zoom until 7x, like almost as optically, using the software of course now imagine, but for a with the price to $99 to think about it, 299 dollars almost that price, and then you're going to get the best camera. The only my only wish for this phone is to have an OLED screen. If this goes on, all that screen I'm getting okay, I'm going to leave all my whatever all my phones, you know screw that this is the port is going to be mine.

What's the word daily driver, okay, this is gonna, be my daily driver. Alright, guys take care, see you guys later.

Source : MJ Reviews

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