Space Gray vs Silver Color Comparison - BEST Color? By SimplyPops

By SimplyPops
Aug 13, 2021
Space Gray vs Silver Color Comparison - BEST Color?

So I recently picked up the 2020 iPad Pro absolutely love the color. The silver color is gorgeous to look at, but I have always been team space gray in this video I'm going to be doing a color comparison between space, gray versus silver, which colors should you go with now back in the days with the iPhone 7 or the iPhone 8? It was always if you got the silver you're going to get a white front or if you get the space gray, you get a black front now in 2020. That is not the case. No more any iPhone you go with nowadays, you're going to have a black front, which is fantastic. That's going to be excellent for watching movies. You're not going to have a distrait and white bezel in the way, so it's going to be a little more immersive.

Having that black bezel it's same thing with the iPads, no matter which iPad color you go with. You're going to have the black bezel. Now, that's only for the iPad Pro. If you go with the iPad, the regular iPad or the iPad Air, the iPad Mini you're going to have the white front. If you pick silver gold versus, if you pick Space Gray you're gonna, have that black front, which I always recommend the space great.

So in this video I'm, just not gonna, do any talk, and I'm just gonna, let all the b-roll door, the talking and all right. Do you guys have space gray versus silver? Remember comment down below which one is the winner and just help each other out. You get I'm saying, but at the end of the day, no matter which color you go with, they, both beautiful colors. You get them saying, no matter which one you go with. It's going to look beautiful and also think about it.

If you have a silver MacBook, maybe go with the silver iPad, you got I'm saying get something to match with it or maybe, if you have a fancy desk, get something to match with your desk set up. Alright guys make sure you guys subscribe your neuron ear with notifications on and make sure you guys comment down below. That's very important, because that one comment can help somebody out, you're, going to say like: oh, he likes the Space Gray. Okay, there's a lot of boats on Space Gray. Maybe I might go with the space Gray's and alright guys until next time stay safe, stay, simple, stay clean! You.

Source : SimplyPops

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