Someone Brought Me a Fake iPhone 11 Pro.... #Shorts By Phone Repair Guru

By Phone Repair Guru
Aug 14, 2021
Someone Brought Me a Fake iPhone 11 Pro.... #Shorts

I have an iPhone 11 Pro. Something is very off about this one. So someone just dropped this off, and they told me it's not turning on, but it feels very cheap. The button makes noise and the backlash looks really weird plug it. In I mean it boots now yeah. This is definitely an iPhone.

I've never actually seen one of these, but part of the bottom screen is just black. I don't know why they did that. So, as you guys can tell, this is definitely fake. The guy looked to be a little older, so I think someone scammed him. I'm really curious to see.

What's inside, let's open this up, unscrew the screws are a lot smaller than normal. It doesn't want to open up. I don't think they want anyone in here. I feel like they specifically designed it so that it can be opened, but you can take a look inside and that's definitely not an iPhone. The moral of the story is, if your gut tells you it's fake, it's fake, I'm going to have to deliver the news.

I don't think he's going to be too happy.

Source : Phone Repair Guru

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