Shoot videos like a Pro on the Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G By KLGadgetTV

By KLGadgetTV
Aug 14, 2021
Shoot videos like a Pro on the Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G

The Galaxy Note: 20, ultra 5g is more than just a productivity smartphone, as it can also be a great content creation device. This is one of the few flagship smartphones in the market that can record 8k videos and probably the only one that lets you, take full control of your video image settings with the pro video mode. So, let's dive in and talk about how you can use each of these features in the pro video mode to take mobile videography up a notch. Now, let's start off by talking about the ISO setting which lets you determine the level of light sensitivity of the camera, as the value goes higher, your image becomes brighter in low light, and this allows you to capture fast moving objects, but at the expense of having more noise levels and compromising details. If lighting isn't ideal, depending on your lighting conditions, ISO sensitivity value should always be at a reasonable value to ensure your videos, don't look too grainy or too dark next shutter speed, which complements the ISO sensitivity setting, and it lets you determine how much light you want to let into the camera sensor the faster the shutter speed, the darker your images, but with the benefit of capturing smoother frame rates in your videos with a slower, shutter speed, you will be able to get brighter images and potentially lower noise levels with a lower ISO value. However, making it too slow will result in choppy frames.

It isn't every time you like the color tone of your live view when it is affected by lighting, which is why the white balance and color control feature is your best friend. Here you can give your video a warmer tone that makes it a lot more comfortable to watch or adjust contrast saturation and highlights to make your subject colors pop. It is very easy to get the hang of it, unlike on some mirrorless cameras, where you need to dive deep into your settings to get these image controls ever wonder why your ball always sound muffled in videos. That's because most phones don't allow you to choose the right microphone to record your voice, the microphone setting in the pro video mode lets. You choose three different voice: recording modes, OFNI direction, rear and front.

So whether you are taking a video of your friend or a selfie video, your voice will never sound muffled again, there's even a gain control where you can increase the microphone's volume. You can also set to receive sound from an external USB or Bluetooth microphone. So there you have it. This is how pro video mode on the Galaxy Note, 20 ultra 5g, can be so helpful in taking better videos than most other smartphones. Go, give it a try, and I'm sure you will get the hang of it in no time.

Source : KLGadgetTV

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