Secret Codes for LG K51s – Use Hidden LG Codes By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 15, 2021
Secret Codes for LG K51s – Use Hidden LG Codes

And from the miss lgk51s- and let me show you secret- calls that you can use on this device. So, first, you have to open the phone together. This is the place that you will be entering secret codes and let me start with the first one, which is aster ix bound Astrid mount four to six found, aster ix pandas tricks, and now you're in diagnostic mode. Here you can check events and also status and, if you'd like to activate advanced view, just tap on the more icon, select advanced view, and here it is, so you've got some further details. Let me go back. That would be all for this code.

Another one that you can use is aster ix pound, aster ix, pound, four, six, three, six pounds aster ix pandastrix, and now we are in testing mode. Here you can check for information and also user statistics. Under phone information, you will be able to locate email, number phone number, current network, sign up strength, voice, service data service call status and so on. Also, this mod allows you to run a ping test. Just click run ping test, and here it is, you can go back then, and under user statistics you can check the detailed information about your apps here.

They are so smoothly check, for example, settings and, as you can see, they've been used last at 10 50 like 10 to 11, and it has been for four minutes and six seconds, and this is it that'll, be all for this code and another one. Super useful is aster ix pound, Astrid, pound double to 5, pound asterisk spontaneous and here you've got the calendar info. So if you have Google calendar included to this device, if you are logged in with your Google account and also if you have some events there, you will be able to check all of them right here. So from now on, you will not forget about any important upcoming event, as everything will be stored right here, and the last code for today is actually it's the shortest one. It is aster ix pound or six pounds, and, as you can see, this one will provide you with email number assigned to your lgk51s.

So if you need this unique number because you would like to check something just enter this code, and then you will be provided with both email numbers, and this is it. That would be all thanks for watching. Please subscribe our channel and leave the thumbs up.

Source : HardReset.Info

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