Samsung S10 lite Gaming!!! By BooredGamer

By BooredGamer
Aug 22, 2021
Samsung S10 lite Gaming!!!

Hey guys Thun de here, and we got a chance to check out the brand-new Galaxy s2 light. Of course, we did some gaming, so let's check it out. So what is the galaxy s? 10 light at six point: seven inches powered by the Snapdragon 855 processor. It's got nice colors, but the camera layer on the back is very different, but we care about gaming, but quickly, a few more respects there. Six eight gigs of RAM we've got up to a terabyte of micro SD we've got about 128 256 storage, but this thing can also handle gaming. Now the display six four seven inches 1080p you've got a front facing camera.32, megapixels and you've got a rear camera layout. That looks like the galaxy s in Lebanon 20, with a 48 megapixel and super steady who is which I couldn't check out here at CES 2020, but in terms of gaming we put on some Call of Duty mobile.

So let's go ahead and check it out. So you saw this thinking. Handle games pretty well, hold mobile does a fantastic job on it, and it's got a 4,500 William battery I. Think a lot of people are going to like what it offers priced around five hundred eighty dollars. This is something that is quite intriguing, for people are looking for a solid mid-range her that does well with performance.

So if you have any questions in comments, let me know guys otherwise, don't forget to Like share, subscribe and always enjoy your entertainment.

Source : BooredGamer

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