Galaxy Z Flip: Official Launch Film By Samsung South Africa

By Samsung South Africa
Aug 14, 2021
Galaxy Z Flip: Official Launch Film

First we invented the folding smartphone. Now we've reimagined it meets Galaxy Z Flip, its design doesn't follow the rules, it breaks them, starting with the laws of physics yep we folded glass. Yes, Gladys. We made a leap from polymer screens to ultra-thin glass technology. It's crystal clear, stunning inside and out when folded, Z flips the size of this. This this this and this.

But when folded open it nearly doubles in size, standing out and getting people talking. What's up, that thing is a hideaway hinge, it's our smallest yet and our most durable. So it lasts fold after fold. You get the point. What about dust we built a tiny mechanism that helps protect the phone.

We call it sweeper Tech, but it works like a demotion to let your device move freely, locking in any position from here to here. Exactly now, all smartphones take photos, but not like this Z flip changes. The camera experience it's more than the perfect picture. It's a brand-new way to use a camera. This is the most and since the flip stands up, you can chat like never before, but when you're finished talking, you have the screen space to do more, it's built from the bottom up.

You can control an app on the lower half while viewing it on the top or do two things at once, and if all of that is not enough, the flip lets you take the cinema with you. Its display is twenty-one point: nine by nine, that's like 15 percent, more screen, impressive z, flip, isn't just a smartphone. It's a breakthrough. With a design that stands alone. It changes the shape of the future by putting a smaller shape in our pockets.

Source : Samsung South Africa

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