By EnkoreTech
Aug 14, 2021

It's no surprise that Samsung's Enos chipsets have been inferior to its snapdragon counterpart for years. It hits up too quickly and that causes it to throttle which affects the performance. Furthermore, it also consumes a lot of power which makes the battery life inferior to the snapdragon variants, and the GPU is also significantly inferior to Qualcomm's Arduino GPU. Now Samsung was supposed to fix all of these issues on next year's Enos 1000 by ditching its custom scores in favor of arms, cortex, x1 and cortex a78 for the CPU and for the GPU Samsung partnered, with AMD last year to bring much better GPU performance to Enos powered Samsung devices. But according to the recent information from famous tip star ice universe, the AMD GPU is not going to make it to the Enos 1000, that's going to power, the galaxy s21. I know we all had high hopes for the Enos 1000 and hoped it'll at least perform as good as the snapdragon 875.

But that might not be the case. According to ice universe, the snapdragon 875 will still outperform the Enos 1000 in both CPU and GPU. But it's not going to be that big of a difference compared to previous Enos and snapdragon devices and the biggest improvement on the Enos 1000 will be the battery performance, but that doesn't mean the actual performance will be bad. In fact, it's going to be perfect, because the major issues with previous Enos chipsets was the custom scores. They were power hungry cores that produced a lot of heat and made the chipset to throttle, thereby reducing both CPU and GPU performance, and that's why previous Samsung Enos devices were terrible for gaming and other graphics intensive tasks by using arm's custom cores like Huawei? Does the processor is gonna use, less power, produce less heat and that's going to make the whole chipset, including the GPU work more efficiently.

It will also help to maintain higher frames while gaming, so not using AMD's GPU on the Enos 1000 is not a total loss. It's going to use arms, Mali g78, which is going to be quite powerful, and the difference in performance against the Arduino 660 will be too little to complain about. In other news, we have information on the price of the galaxy. Z fall 2. According to Roland quaint, the default 2 will be 100 euros cheaper than the original galaxy fault.

The launch price of the galaxy fold was 2100 euros in Germany, while the z42 will have a starting price of 2 000 euros. So we can expect a similar price reduction in the rest of the world. Let me know what you think about the Enos 1000, not using AMD's GPU in the comment section below drop a like. If you enjoyed the video and subscribe and hit the bell icon, so you don't miss any future. Video thanks for watching guys, see you in the next one.

Source : EnkoreTech

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