Snapdragon 855 vs 835 vs 845 Speed test/Gaming comparison Xiaomi Mi9 vs Black Shark vs OnePlus 5T By TechUtopia

By TechUtopia
Aug 14, 2021
Snapdragon 855 vs 835 vs 845 Speed test/Gaming comparison Xiaomi Mi9 vs Black Shark vs OnePlus 5T

Okay, this is Shame e9, snapdragon, 855, maximum graphics. Everything is on maximum that we can get and check this smoothness Brooke Marissa sun will make a full gaming test with more different Maps somebody's shooting from somewhere check these graphics, bro Wow inshallah. What is that? Alright? That's probably a bike, what a perfect drop! Sorry I'm, still speaking, but what a perfect drop I'm just in a circle ninjas almost in the middle Wow seriously. Look how close I am I think this is the closest drop that I ever had. Of course, you can't see one while you are dropping. You can't see where to save the safe circle.

Safe zone will be until you land and after five ten seconds or so yeah and me, let's concentrate again I have to speak, but then just look at these graphics I mean come on. Come on. Look at these graphics dammit! He had only a gun, a pistol I mean. Can I use this one bandage can't use it anymore? Oh, a teammate nice, my bad bro, my teammate Oh check this out. Have you ever wondered where to buy smartphones from Chick, Chick, Jing? Jing Jing Jing China bad as the gearbest.

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Source : TechUtopia

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