Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Battery Drain Test! By Nick Ackerman

By Nick Ackerman
Aug 15, 2021
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Battery Drain Test!

So, what is up guys Nick here, helping you to master your technology and welcome to my Samsung Galaxy Note 9 battery drain test? Yes, I did a poll, and most people said you know what I want to see a battery drain test, so we also got the review coming soon. The note 9 I'm going to be running this thing at max. We're going to be putting it on full beast mode right now, using it like most other people wouldn't and see how long the endurance of the battery is can help. You see, you know how regular day-to-day use is gonna, be because if it goes really long here, then regular day-to-day use is gonna, be even better than what you see here. So it's 10:18 p. m.

we're at a hundred percent battery life. Right now, if you take a look, I'm going to have location on NFC is definitely going off. Don't use that often sink stand on Dolby Atmos, of course, is always going to be on here. S-Pen mode turned on, and we do have Wi-Fi running now, keep in mind LTE connection, sometimes chemical battery life worse or better, depending on you know your reception and where you're at 9.5 Samsung experience, version, android, 8.1, point 0 version here, onboard no android, 9 pi, just yet full HD resolution, because this is the way it comes out of the box. Not everybody's going to know that you can put it in 2k.

So here we are at the phone, and it is going to be about time to get this thing started, so I'm going to go ahead and plug this USB-C into the LG G 7th in cue, which is gonna, be running this timer and for the first test, I ran a YouTube video one of the older ones. I shot on the iPhone 7 was about an hour-long review to see what we can drain on this device, and this phone just seemed to run YouTube like a champ, because after about one hour well about 53 minutes, I'm estimating here we have 90% of our battery life. So if you're headed on your commute- and you watch a video on the train- or you know if you're just waiting around to get started at your job, or you're waiting around for class, and you're watching a few YouTube, AIDS you're, probably only going to drain about %- remember I am rocking this phone at full brightness. So it might even be less for you. So let's go ahead and continue, so I did about you, know 40 minutes or so maybe less of 1080p video here just straight continuous video to see what this can drain and at about an hour in 30 minutes, you can see Samsung Galaxy, Note 9 is now down another 11%, so camera is definitely a more heavy use case and if you're doing video, this definitely eats into the battery quite a bit.

So video is a strong battery user for the Galaxy Note 9. So keep that in mind when you are picking up this device one hour, 31 minutes screen on time. Continuing on I did installation into two benchmarks, and we did a couple of benchmarks here. So this is something most people are not gonna. Do on the day-to-day, but it definitely stresses the battery.

Then I did some multitasking opening. Some windows played some games here. For quite some time open a bunch of apps ran a Geek bench and after all of this I did some drawing on the pinup community. I just drew this little I, don't even know what animal that was. Let me know down below in the comments, but you can see after two hours, 68% of the battery here and continuing on I watched another video on this device, and you could see that this one was about 43 minutes long in length.

So this video right here was pretty long, so I figured that it would eat into the battery life and I did more an tutu stress testing here, which ate into it a lot and in about three hours and eight minutes, you can see that the battery life is sitting around forty-nine percent for the Samsung Galaxy. Note 9 extremely warm to the touch, but not overbearingly hot here for the device, so forty-nine percent so far at three hours and eight minutes of on-screen time. So, with this kind of use case, I'm already impressed with this device, because three hours and nine minutes- and you have 50% basically of your battery life at you- know, running at full brightness and everything on high accuracy and location on sync, all that this is pretty good endurance. So far, you can see that the video I kept watching more video again on YouTube in we're gonna, go ahead and check this at four hours and two minutes around there, and you could see 35% down now. So we did go down.

You know a good 15% over the past hour or so, but there's still plenty of juice left on the note 9. So, let's see how much more we can get out of its tank. So four hours and three minutes their screen on time, and we're going to go ahead and just run some more applications to see what else we can do for this device. So more stress testing here for an tutu benchmark. This takes a lot of you know, resources, and we ran some 4k video, which was a 10-minute limit at 60fps and I did some more gaming and at about 316 a.

m. or 4 hours and 55 minutes I have 9% battery life, so we're definitely getting down there around the 5-hour mark here on a snapdragon 845, remember: full brightness, full beast mode. This doesn't indicate that like you're going to get the same battery life here. So don't take this, as fact like. Oh my note, 9 is only going to get 5 hours.

I was expecting like 8 hours, like on the note 2, for example, but remember this is pushing it to the max, and it's still lasting. We can go light and moderate use in my video would be probably eight hours long here, let's say eight hours or seven hours on the screen time. So if we do it light screen, brightness low I think you're getting a lot more time out of this battery life. Standby time on this guy I've noticed, does juice down. When you go to sleep, I've been noticing a 5% decrease every single night from the time I go to sleep to the time, I wake up like eight hours, 5% decrease, so it does decrease and standby that can work on net.

But overall, when you're actually using this foam, it can definitely go the distance here so far, at least from what I'm seeing it does get warm under really intense use. But that's got to be really intense use like if it's not super intense, then you'll be just fine. So the note 9 definitely a winner. If you want the Enos Edition I can't really speak on that one, but anyway big thumbs up. If you guys really enjoyed this content, it takes a long time to create a video like this.

We got to keep recording on and on for five hours straight just to get. You know this battery drained, so that is appreciated, but at around 5 hours and 11 min we're still running here at 1%. But can it keep going? That's the question: why, on Instagram we're going through a bunch of applications here running through a bunch of stuff- and you could see even with all this intense pressure, it's still operating very fast, so that's a good sign for performance as well, and at 5 hours and 11 minutes and 58 seconds. The note 9 has definitely lost all of its battery capacity. It did great I'm, literally gonna, give it some credit here.

Some people might say: I want a little more, but keep in mind. This was full pushing it to the max. So what are your thoughts, though? Do you think Samsung could have done better here with you know the note 9 battery life? Do you think it's fantastic personally, I think for a flagship it can't be beat just, yet I'm really interested to see if Apple can bring the 10 plus with a comparable battery life? It's a big phone as well believe your thoughts down below and if you found this video helpful, enjoying entertaining and forming, do me a favor and that thumbs up again. It takes a very long time to record this. So I would appreciate if you smash that button and subscribe for more on your way out, Nick helping you to master your technology be sure to be well and pays.

Source : Nick Ackerman

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