Play Xbox Games on iPhone 12! - Setup and Demo By iCrackUriDevice

By iCrackUriDevice
Aug 13, 2021
Play Xbox Games on iPhone 12! - Setup and Demo

Hey, what's up YouTube, welcome back to the channel, so in today's video we're going to be taking a look at streaming, Xbox One games from your Xbox to your iOS device in today's video I'm going to demo this and show you guys how to quickly set it up, and again we have the brand new iPhone 12, as well as the iPhone 12 Pro here, and I'll, also demo it on my iPad later in this video uh, just a quick sneak preview, as you guys can see, I mean the response. Time is just amazing. Just jumping around your know. I was playing halo earlier today, fully online. It's super, super responsive. I mean it's better than uh from the Xbox to the PC.

So let's start with the basics and just show you guys how to get this set up and running so just to clarify in this video with this process we're streaming directly from our personal Xbox One to our phones. So let's go ahead and start off. First things: first uh you have to have the Xbox on, and you need to log in to your personal, Xbox or Microsoft account. So once we're logged in and on the home screen, basically just go to the settings app and uh. Once this guy loads uh we're gonna, go down to devices and connections and go over to remote features and just make sure enable remote features is checked if it's not just go ahead and follow these on-screen prompts real fast.

So once it's tested my system, it says I'm good to go, but, as you can see, it says upstream, bandwidth is less than 9 Mbps, so that remote play feature that I was talking about might not work in my case and then on the next screen here. It says it works best on a wired or 5 gigahertz wireless connection. So just a heads-up for remote play on your mobile device. So we can just go ahead and go home right now to the home screen. Now, don't disconnect your controller from your Xbox, yet there might be one more step needed so on your iOS device.

If you don't have the official Xbox app, that's all you need to download. So let's go ahead and start that and once that's downloaded, we can go ahead and tap open. The first thing it's going to prompt you to do is sign in with your Microsoft account again. This is the same. Microsoft accounts that you used to sign in to on your Xbox, so we're all set and ready to go.

Let's play so. This app is entirely redesigned. You'll find the streaming service on this fourth tab down here and right next to captures you can click consoles and just locate the console that you're trying to stream to so. You now have these options right here you have your remote control, which we've had before you can manage it remotely, or now you can remotely play on this device, so we can go ahead and tap that right there and comes up with this cool little loading screen. Now, here's the time when it might ask you to enable remote streaming on the Xbox.

If that's the case, go ahead and click enable- and it looks like it's going to connect, and again the really cool thing here is: you can connect your controller now directly to your iPhone. So, let's go ahead and jump over to Bluetooth settings real fast. I don't know why I didn't just take me there, but I'm going to go ahead and put my controller into pairing mode and wait for that to pop up. Let's go ahead and pair this to our iOS device. That was pretty quick.

So look at that right. There we have the home screen uh of our Xbox, and I mean look how fast this is like when I'm toggling back and forth. It's instantaneous I'm shocked at how well this works. So I figured why not? Let's push this to the limit open up a game of halo, multiplayer online and see what the response times are like. Let's see if this is actually like playable at a competitive level by streaming it to your phone all right.

So this is not a pretty start, but you know. Oh, I got yeah yeah, don't okay! These people are just perfect. This is ridiculous. Oh okay, I was like I didn't get that guy. You have to be kidding me yeah.

This is a slaughter! I'm glad I oh good one. The buttons are just different. Like this is like screenshot interesting, I was like trying to sit here look at like my stats, but I guess that just takes a screenshot when you're streaming interesting, like the video quality, is perfectly fine, but it's like my input on my controller is really laggy. I'm like looking at my uh reference monitor here, just to like double check this and like that is, what's going to be the difference in the game. Well, that need like that right there, exactly what like I'm not expanding it.

Why would I turn away right before I'm getting shot like, I feel like. If you were playing you know a non-multiplayer game, it'd be 100 fine. Can you get away with playing multiplayer games? Maybe you have to give the bags real fast, okay, wow. That was a rough first game on this, but um. You know it's kind of playable.

I mean honestly, it's a little better than I expected. The streaming quality is fine. What's not fine is when your controller is connected to the phone itself, so for round two. I wanted to show you guys a second way of doing this too. It works great if you connect the controller to the Xbox and then just stream, the video stream to your phone or say your iPad, so I'm going to switch things up real fast and show you exactly how this can work in an alternative way.

Uh, if you guys just, are looking for. Basically a gaming monitor, I mean use your using your iPad as a gaming monitor alright, so I repaired the controller back to the Xbox, let's launch up streaming and just test the video stream on an iPad. In this case, I'm not going to connect my controller to my iPad, since I'm close enough in range uh to use it, and so this was really the big fault of my last test is uh the response time of like getting the controller input to the Xbox and if that's taken care of like just streaming, the video to your iPad or iPhone works perfectly fine, all right at least one for one, that's a better start than last game yeah. The controller input is phenomenal now like that is really what okay. Well, that is really what um.

What's bugging me about? The last game: oh that's one, I'm sorry dude all right, so this is working fine um. So if you guys are wondering if you want to use your iPad or iPhone just as a gaming monitor in your house, that's a great way to use this app um. But you know the full remote stream. Just quite isn't there yet boy, I'm sorry! For these guys and uh, also like the different controls where um pressing the home button didn't do anything uh. That kind of bugged me- and you know I didn't really want to take a screenshot and halo.

I wanted to check my stats like that, like see where I'm at in the game um and that just you know it wasn't broken, it just was assigned to do different things on iOS and that's kind of what bugged me. Oh god, I should have picked a target. I mean, as you guys can see. I have my controller sensitivity really high. So that's why, when there was like a millisecond of like delay, it was just it just took my person, their character's view across the entire screen.

So there you have it. That's at least a demo of this new streaming service, doing like an online game um, really it works great in-house over Wi-Fi and your controller is connected to your Xbox, but the second. You connect your controller to your iOS device. You start to see some odd input lag, which is really the unfortunate part there um, but you know it kind of works. What scares me is like doing this over a 5g connection.

Now, unfortunately, I did try this before recording this video and my up upload bandwidth at home is just not enough to stream games so but uh yeah guys that pretty much wraps up this video of how you stream games from your Xbox to either your iPad or your iPhone and in this case the iPhone 12. I hope you guys thought it was kind of interesting. This was a fun one to make other than that uh. You know this pretty much sums up this video in a nutshell like it works great when it works, but there definitely are still some bugs to work out. You know you can get it to work in unique situations where you have your controller connected to the Xbox, and you're streaming, just the video uh in home at on Wi-Fi, but even then we're still running into some problems um.

I could not imagine what uh like true remote play would look like on this, and you know, maybe that's just the the world we live in right now, we're almost there but uh not quite anyway, still definitely worth checking out if you guys have an Xbox and either an iPad or iPhone pretty unique um. I know PlayStation users have had this feature for a while now too, but when Xbox just redid their app, I wanted to check it out and show you guys how it works and what, where the quality is at, but that pretty much wraps up this video. Thank you guys so much for making it to the end. I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you did, you know what to do, but until next time this is tony signing out.


Source : iCrackUriDevice

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