OnePlus 9 Pro Genshin Impact Max Graphics Gaming FPS Test | Snapdragon 888 By Golden Reviewer

By Golden Reviewer
Aug 14, 2021
OnePlus 9 Pro Genshin Impact Max Graphics Gaming FPS Test | Snapdragon 888

Hi guys welcome back to golden reviewer. Today I have the OnePlus 9 pro with me. This is the new flagship device with snapdragon 888 12, gigs of ram and 256 gigs of raw, so flagship specs, flagship performance, and we are going to test the Samson impact game on highest settings on this device today, as you can see, just as usual, we've turned every setting to the highest possible, and we've also enabled 60 fps room temperature is around 25 degrees, no active cooling, no anything, and we'll just play the game street for 10 minutes around the usual region, uh, which is 90 min. You can check out all my other tests and play the game around here to make all the test results comparable and consistent and, of course, I'll show you the full 10-minute gameplay with real-time fps. You can also fast-forward to the end of the video for the final result. Okay, before the test starts, may I ask you to give me a thumb up and also subscribe to my channel, so you won't miss any future updates all right without further ado, let's go body and mind off.

We go witness the power, so right. Right outlines your fate time to know my sword time for retribution. Look at you, hello, huh, adventure, time, uh, huh, so time to act time to know my sword: hmm, oh! What yep so! Ah, smash! Let's go body and mind witness the power of google know my sword, huh, three, all right guys! The results are in. How is it? Let's take a look at the fps, and it's around 51.2. It's not bad, but it's also not the best.

So from what I see is not as good as those Xiaomi devices and not as good as the ROG 5, of course, which is because the rg5 is a gaming phone, but it's also better than iPhone and some sound devices. So I'll say it's a reasonable result. It's what you will expect from snapdragon 888 and then for power. The OnePlus device is very interesting when I record power, because the number is absolutely low, and then I realize it's because of the dual uh battery cell right so because they are connected in series, so the voltage is actually will double the voltage, but the current will actually be halved. So actually we have to time this number by two.

So the actual power consumption is around 6.25 watt, not 3 watt or something right. It can't be 3 watt, okay. So this power consumption is also uh, quite normal for a snapdragon 888 devices. Uh we've already tested a few of them, and we actually know what to expect right. So it's 50 plus fps and the 6 watt of power.

This is very, very normal and, lastly, I've already also added this result into my um Gandhi impact full result list, and you can see it's right there with the better devices right. It's one of the good ones, and you can just see how it compares with other devices. So I think at this point, we've already known how a snapdragon 88 will perform, and it's really not nothing. Much about optimization or anything uh, I think it's just not good enough to actually run game impact at 60, fps right, no matter which manufacturer the device is from, so we might need to wait another year for the next generation soc to really come out to actually play the game impact game at full, graphics and 60fps, okay, guys! So thanks for watching! That's all for today's video. I hope you enjoyed it, see you next time.

Source : Golden Reviewer

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