Pixel 4a Vs Redmi Note 9 Pro Speed test By Varieties Teck

By Varieties Teck
Aug 14, 2021
Pixel 4a Vs Redmi Note 9 Pro Speed test

Hello and welcome everyone to variety stick, and we back again for another video. Today I do have the new Google Pixel 4a and the Redmi Note 9 pro, I'm going to run the speed test to see which one's going to be faster. So, let's find out now just before we kick off with the speed test comparison. I want to explain a few important things. First would be the pricing the Google Pixel 4a as right now, price tag, 350 still a decent price for a phone like the Google Pixel 4a and the Redmi Note 90 pro 225 available through wirelessplayers. com.

You guys will find the link in the description box for the Xiaomi and by the way the price is temporary right now, 225, and they are expecting. The price will go up because Xiaomi running a special deal on this specific model. So you guys, if you want to get this phone, go ahead, hurry up and get it right now for the Google Pixel 4a, I will leave the link on amazon where you can purchase the phone uh directly through Amazon for 350. In my opinion, both phones have good pricing right now and also the specs are so similar. Except one thing: I'm going to explain that to you right now that will be the processor.

In the Redmi Note 9 pro we have 720 snapdragons on the pixel. We have 730. I'm excited to see the difference between these two phones. As far as the processor also, both phone have a six gigabyte of ram uh. They believe the pixel 128 gigabytes for the storage, while the Xiaomi has 64 gigabytes, but that has nothing to do with the speed test.

Video now how my speed is going to run five different stages. The first stage will be rebooting, just restart both one just to see which one going to run the operating system faster than the other. It's good to mention that uh, the Google Pixel 4a receive update for android 11, but I haven't pushed the update yet because the Redmi on the android 10, so we want to see the performance on the android 10 in the second stage, we're going to check the fingerprint scanner on both phones, see which one we're going to unlock the phone faster than the other third state. We open a Chrome browser, and we check the internet speed browsing for both one which one's going to visit the website faster than the other and then the fourth stage. We have apps and games we're going to open, at the same time, just to see which one going to open and load this game faster than the other, and then we're going to check the ROM in both phones, since six gigabytes of ram to see which phone going to perform better than the other in each stage.

Furthermore, we're giving the winner a point at the end, we're going to take the aggregate, and then we're going to announce the winner. Now it's good to mention. This is only speed test. There's a lot of aspects. It's not going to be covered with this video, but if you guys want to see video like this leave this in the comment below round one the restart test or booting test.

Now, as we have noticed, the Google Pixel 4a much faster to load the operating system than the Xiaomi, but that was expected because the Google Pixel has a stock android, while the Xiaomi has custom UI with mini 11. So no doubt the Google Pixel is the winner in the first stage, so we're going to give the Google Pixel point to bring the result. One zero round, two we're going to try to unlock both phones with the fingerprint. The Google Pixel has the fingerprint located on the back, while the Redmi has it on the side. Let me try and be accurate as much as I can and try to unlock both at the same time.

So let's do it. I noticed the README was faster, yes stream to me, they read me it's a little faster to unlock the fingerprint. Yes, the Redmi fingerprint, the one located on the side is faster than the Google Pixel 4a. So in this round we're going to give a point to the README to bring the result 1-1 so far round three the browsing test. I opened chrome already.

I cleaned history, so no website they were open on the background, so we're going to go ahead and start open, uh website. At the same time, and let's kick off with GSM arena. com now the Google Pixel was faster to unlock. Let's try, uh cnn. com seems to me the pixel was faster.

Yes, the pixel is faster. Let's check phone arena dot com, I notice in phone arena. com the README was a bit faster. So let's take another website and let's try metro by T-Mobile. Now the Google Pixel 4 is faster for the internet browsing.

So no doubt the Google Pixel deserves another point to bring the result to one round four we're going to open, apps games at the same time, and I have cleaned the background for all the application. We're open, so we're going to start fresh and let me show you no apps on the background on both phones and let me kick off with a light application like Facebook, app Xiaomi was faster. So, let's keep going we're gonna. Do Google Play Store? No, the pixel was faster, CPU pixel faster. My term two pixels is faster timber run.

Two Redmi was faster asphalt.9. pixel was able to load the game faster for asphalt, 9. And Redmi finally managed to load the game. It was very slow. So let's check another game now I'm going to skip need for speed, because we have some problem running the game, so we're going to go to sonic 2.

It is faster on the pixel subway surface. I just realized the README was a bit faster with gunfighter a little faster on the pixel. It seems to me, like the pixel, is a bit faster to load the games, but it's not huge difference, though, between both phones, performance between snapdragon, 720 and theory 730. Still, I'm going to give this round to the pixel to bring the result. Three one we're going to check the ROM management in both phones, as I said, six gigabytes of ram.

So this is equal and, let's start with the Facebook, both kept Facebook. On the background Google Play Store both kept google play stores so far. So good for both phones, z, so far, so good and uh my term two amazing jobs for the ram in both phones. So far, timber run two yeah. Both did actually great.

Now we're going to check asphalt, 9, I'm receiving update here, I'm just had me say no, both actually reloaded uh asphalt, 9, so both actually they're doing the same exact thing here. Now much difference, let's check sonic, both kept it on the run. Subway surface seems to me same performance, so I'm going to give each phone a point as a draw in this round to bring the resource for two. Now the winner is the Google Pixel 4 a with four point versus two points to the rhythmic, but that doesn't mean this is the ultimate comparison. There's a lot of things you have to take in consideration.

For instance, the README has larger screen a glass build construction. Actually, it's kind of better faster charging, 30 watt, bigger battery and the Google Pixel 4 has all its screen.128 gigabytes of storage and my opinion, the camera and the pixel are way much better than the rhythm, even that we have quite camera over here. You guys choose the phone that you want pace in your preferences. That was just a speed test for uh the hardware, and it seems to me the pixel has better hardware than the README, but the README is a cheaper device anyways. I wish you guys found this video helpful if it did thumbs up and subscribe for more videos here on variety.

Stick. Thank you so much, and I will talk to you in the next one peace you.

Source : Varieties Teck

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