Oneplus 9 Pro Camera (Stock) Vs GCAM | This Needs To END NOW !!! By Eazy Computer Solutions

By Eazy Computer Solutions
Aug 14, 2021
Oneplus 9 Pro Camera (Stock) Vs GCAM | This Needs To END NOW !!!

What's up everybody: this is like the tech preacher, so the OnePlus 9 pro cameras has been hit-and-miss for a lot of people. Some say that the OnePlus pro 9 cameras are great. Some people say that they are not as great, but my biggest request on this channel so far is to do an OnePlus 9 pro stock camerae app against g cam. Now I've been a non-advocate of g cam for a very long time. I have always been saying that if you want to use Guam by pixel but to satisfy my viewers, I am going to do an OnePlus 9 pro stock camerae app versus g cam, and let you be the judge for yourself. Let's see which one is going to be king supreme, so in this video I'm going to do daytime only.

Unfortunately, I'm not going to do nighttime video, but I'm going to do daytime only so, let's go, let's see which one is king supreme, sit back and relax and get your popcorn ready and follow me on this journey. Let's go the chosen all right guys. So this is the video footage here of the OnePlus 9 pro. This is the stock camera app along with the audio. I want you all guys to see this b-roll.

This is hand-held. I want you all guys to see that look at the depth of field as the tree is in focus and the background is out of focus, so I want you all got to see that look at the details of the tree here, a little off green there. I want you all guys to see that uh, and I'm shooting this at 4k 30 frames per second uh, and the purpose of this video is to let you all guys uh see uh some footage between the camera, the stock camera app and the g cam. Now I've been an advocate that uh. That Guam is something that I don't recommend.

I always say if you want GCA by pixel, but a lot of you guys actually requested, and here it is so. This is the stock camera app, and I'm walking. I got the device in my hand and optical image stabilization on deck all right. So let's go to a switch to Guam okay. So this is Guam right here and uh.

One of the things I noticed right off just by hitting the recall button is that you're not going to get optical image stabilization and look like uh looking at the viewfinder, it's a little overblown a little. The highlights are overblown again. This is one of the things I have always been mentioning is that if you want to use g care by pixel Guam, just not the software for other devices, especially when it comes down to video videos, sometimes unusable, but uh looks like it's doing, okay as far as focusing uh, but let's go and check out the stabilization, and I think one of the things that the device doesn't take advantage of is the stabilization uh. So this is Guam, and I'm looking at it, and it looks real jumpy on screen, maybe once uh get it uploaded, whatever it may staple out. I don't know, but me looking at the viewfinder, it looks like it doesn't take advantage of the stabilization.

This is Guam, so I hope you enjoyed the OnePlus 9 pro stock camerae app versus g cam. Here's my thoughts. I believe some photos of Guam had more detail than the stock camera app. Also, it was not that bright. Today was not a sunny day.

It was very cloudy day today, so the skies was not blue uh, the OnePlus 9 of pro uh portrait shots was very good versus gcam uh had some portrait shots that was hit-and-miss, but as far as video, I would give the video 100 to the OnePlus 9 pro now. Guam uh was blow it out when it comes down to video. It doesn't take advantage of the device stabilization uh. Overall, I stand by my word when it comes down to g cam. I believe that if you want g chem on the device go by pixel, I believe camp handicaps a device.

You know when it comes down to photography. Video goal works great on pixels doesn't work that great on other devices. You got a lot of bugginesses. You got a lot of apps. It crashed a lot uh.

Then you have some inconsistencies when it comes down to Guam on the device. Now I will leave the app down in the description below. If you want to download and play with it yourself, but if you want to get that perfect shot that one time you need to pull out your phone and get a very good shot, Guam is not the answer for you. The g cam photos was a little darker, a little more detailed versus the uh, the OnePlus 9 stock camera apps. It kind of blew the highlights out a little.

Give you a little more details as well as highlights, so it all depends on how you, like your photos. You know I really did like some details of Guam uh. Some decals' festival you zoom in it looks good, but for me, I just have an issue with Guam uh, but I think overall, if you want to play around with g cam, just make sure that you got a steady hand, because it's not using the device stabilization. That means that if you take a shot, and you got a shaky hand, you're going to get a blurry shot, this is like the tech uh from easy computer solutions. Leave your comments down below.

Let me know what you think about Guam versus the OnePlus 9 pro, and my thing is this: if you're going to use the OnePlus 9 pro you bought it for the cameras, then wait for the updates from OnePlus to make the cameras better. This slapping g cam on the device is a band-aid. I just. I believe that if you want to have Guam on the device go buy a pixel, that's just my opinion. This is Eric, see you guys on the next video peace, bye.

Source : Eazy Computer Solutions

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