LG K42 & LG K22 - Entry Level Devices By OTRY Official

By OTRY Official
Aug 15, 2021
LG K42 & LG K22 - Entry Level Devices

Hey, what's up guys its ultra here, and we've got three devices coming from lg very, very soon: we've got the lg q92 uh, the lg k42 and the lg k22. Now I will not be talking about the q92 in this video I'll, be making a separate video talking about the q92, because the q92 is actually on a different level. It's its a super like it's gonna, be a mid-range phone not like the k-42 and the k-22 okay. So let's talk about the k4020 k22, because both are actually uh. Super budget phones and yeah make sure to subscribe to my channel because, like I said I'll, be talking about the key I'll be talking about the lgk42 and the k22 like I said our budget phones and both phones should be coming very, very soon. Uh.

The k-42 will be having the hello p22 chipset alongside the power VR GE, h320 GPU, all right, but the k22. We come with the snapdragon qm215 soc. Now the qm215 soc is a super entry-level soc. In other words, the lg k22 might be an android go device. We believe that the k22 will be coming with the android 10 operating system, but it's going to be a large version of android 10.

The android go, the android 10 go editions. Okay, while the k2 will also become with dk42 would also be coming with android 10. But it's not going to be a light version. It's going to be the normal android 10, all right yeah. The k42 would also have a HD plus display.

For now, we do not know the uh size of the display, but we know the resolution. It's going to be a 720 by 1600 uh resolution uh, okay and uh. The phone will be having three gigs of ram the k2 under your head, on the other hand, we're having two gigs of ram. Now we believe that the k22 would also be an ac plus uh. We also have an ac plus uh display.

Now our boss, phones, like I said, are super entry-level phones uh. These are just the few information we've actually spotted on the Google play console listings. Okay, more about the phones will be reviewed in the future, but according to these specs, these phones are not phones that are meant for intensive usage. They're going to be very, very super. Super cheap and uh.

The um official dates of both phones. I don't know if they have been released, but I'll be checking the official days I'll be. You know, guiding more information to check about uh to check if the official date of this of these phones are out already well. Like I said these are the few specifications we're able to get on the Google play console listing will be getting more specifications in the future, so make sure to stay tuned, all right and yes, so, if you actually on a super budget scale in both phones, you might actually go for the k42. I recommend that you get for your go for the k42 now the k22, the case 22 is just super nice guys.

It's not meant for even daily usage on the k2 will be super laggy, because the soc that the case 22 will be sporting will be powered that will apparently 22 is a super uh entry level. As you see, I've never even heard of the soc before I never ever knew. Snapdragon made such type of socs until I went to actually uh did some research. Yellow p22 is a perfect chip. It's a 12 nanometer chip.

You all know that, but it's not powerful. It's not meant for power, so you might actually experience a lagging issues day. You know daily lagging issues, but it's still usable compared to the other soc on the k22 anyways. Guys, like I said I'll, be talking about the lg q92 in a separate video, the q92 would, might be a 5g phone. According to some specifications, it will come with the snapdragon 765 g.

I believe so but, like I said I'll, be making a separate video talking about the q92 so make sure to subscribe to my channel and, like I said, if you're interested in this game, uh it's brothers in arms 3. , you can download it from the play store, anyways guys. This is what I have for you right now. If you enjoyed the video, give it a thumbs up, and I'll see you guys in the next one peace.

Source : OTRY Official

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