LG G8x Thinq Unboxing and Reasons for Purchase By Wise Accounting Pty Ltd

By Wise Accounting Pty Ltd
Aug 15, 2021
LG G8x Thinq Unboxing and Reasons for Purchase

Debris and walking back to the channel, that's been a fair while, since I last communicate with you all various reasons when going on boring as always, so what I want to do is sort of change gears a little normally I'm, putting up videos all about accounting legislation, all the bits that I know everyone just really loves, but I thought today. Those who know me in my practice know that I'm big on technology leveraging it and all those sorts of things that there's plenty of which is out there about tech and that I'm fortunate I've had to replace a fair bit of my setup here at the moment. Just retiring computers and phones and one on I thought other. But these things coming in it might be an opportunity to sort of share what I've got while I'm, using it and yeah. If it helps if it doesn't, it doesn't I thought share it any right. So previously, I have been living with my little iPhone, SE, very, very, very small, a great productivity tool, but serve a few purposes for me in the past.

Also, using the blackberry proof, bad name, bad phone and importantly just runs a bit hot. The keyboard is very, very handy, and I do like that, but ultimately just bit slow unreliable, and it has a bad camera now. I know I'm talking about productivity and accounting, but I carry my phone everywhere with me and the fact that can double up as a camera. That's a really positive thing for me and I think we all sort of pick a phone under that sort of same proviso, so that is where I'm at the moment. So what I've done is I've researched phones and research.

Everything a bit OCD on that one. So pretty careful with the selection of a picked, and I would have gone with. Is the LG g eh x, then q, dual screen phone, so this is not a phone will fine! It is not a compare to the galaxy bulbs, Samsung Galaxy, full price tag alone. I'll tell you that I think this set me back thousand Australian dollars and the galaxy fold was going to be three thousand dollars so yeah. So that is pretty well what I have gone with now.

The reason that I have picked this phone over an alternative normal to just go onto the Samsung Note series is purely because that dual screen now I am mindful. There was a review on this. That said, when an accessory is the best feature over the phone. You've got a problem, so I'm well aware that that is a shortcoming. Going to have some pretty thick bezels on giving it.

It is a phone case. Basically the doubles up as a secondary screen, so yeah we will see spec wise, it's okay, they call it like flagship specs, whatever that sort of means for you. I'm just got a 13 megapixel camera 128, gigs storage and 6 gigs of RAM with the Snapdragon processor. So yeah, you know like it's an it's a good phone. It will definitely do what I need now.

What I wanted it for is and I think most of my productivity professionals out there will go through the same sort of issues as me, your on call issues. Perhaps headaches is email comes in, and you need to access something from your cloud. Storage or along those lines, and you got a close down the app go into it, look at it, memorize it copy and paste or whatever it might be from that information and then type it in the body of an email, painful on a phone, even painful on a small screen, Samsung iPhone SE bad mistake on my part and just doesn't let you get things done, so you've sort of gone back to the bigger phones, and that is almost exclusively the reason that I've got this the fact of an American two screens with me all the time, and it needs a case. It's a positive now be ultimate, was about sort of being able to access my files and be able to put them in context and then email or use teams, or any kind of Houston messaging service that you are using and from there just being able to really run two apps quite easily natively in a screen. So that is where I'm at, and so lets uh, let's have a look at.

Let's get it open, they've got the sleeve what will be the second case. So that's good. Here's! The box put the phone in it so as we can see there and to porn or scary there, so, let's rip into it and see what is in here now like I've, never had anybody phone before so to be certain interesting to see how this sort of stacks up, but yeah, we'll see, so we got in here any case. That's very nice touch the phone itself. Okay, so we've got the power brick yeah again.

This was from America, so I'm going to have to check them an adapter, but that's not really the problem because we have a USB type, a there. So I was plugged it. Why am I many many many cables any charges by USB type-c? So that's good sucks up there were times and then let's see it does have a headphone jack as you can see, but no headphones, the Box the bit that we're probably most interested in. Why is this second screen feature so, like I, said more of a case and definitely an accessory, because they've got the phone here standalone on a sign, not affordable. So if we get into the screen, what helps okay? So how to install dual screen? It's really not too hard because it does run with some proprietary software, so okay and the very, very powerful from all the reviews I have seen magnet to that anyway.

Not funny go to that and then glue Start Guide, so, like anything with tech, I am NOT going to read that I'm, just going to get stuck in. So that is the case. That is the fine, okay, so setup and as you can see, we've got here the fingerprint sensor now yeah. There wasn't too much of a letter on that. If I just put my thumb where it tells me, that's pretty quick, that's not too bad at all, certainly much more responsive better than the little SC that I was using so um.

You can see it's running a pretty pure Android system here, I'm, not a great deal bloatware, which is always a nice feature. So they've got an LG, yep they're right around L. Do you pay smart world and then obviously in a kind of affiliate at once, I hope you can see those there. Now the interface is okay. You do have that that bezel, the notch, rather, which is a bit on a nasty side and the display here also has it- will see more of that when I plug this in so yeah, just a normal, pretty well sort of stock standard is phone.

If you like see the cameras there I said dual lens, not the triple. That is all the rage at the moment and instead of this plug it into the dog. So it's just sliding, and that goes you know really easily actually, and then we have the cover display tool popping up chair, and so it's better for you guys and from that we can turn it on power button, and so you can see there is a notch here for no reason whatsoever doesn't bother me they've done that purely for symmetry reasons, and they close up, and you've got their little they're. Not technical term is for those mobile notifications, probably not as huge I. Don't quite know why this is all glass and shiny, that is this, gonna, be a fingerprint and scratch magnet, but yeah.

Look that phone is that some that that's actually quite a nice experience, opening it up like that. You can see they're, big bezels, but again I'm still imagining here on the one screen teams my file servers on the other and being able to read information on an emerging having any kind of information scroll from one screen. Tell that what you would expect in the galaxy fold. So it's its not heavy. It's not lain, that's for sure either it's its definitely is much, much heavier in the BlackBerry and as far as they are fine, as he goes, I mean it's just not daylight and that's got a white case on it.

So yeah it is heavy you're going to know that's in your pocket, that's for sure on its own. The final exhale difficult to get out of here, though, that comes out very, very easily, which is spot. The win team I'll come there now, when it's out on its own much lighter so yeah I think you would expect that on its own, to have no real issues whatsoever, carding it around in case it does. It does add bulk to it. Nobody and sort of see there sits it's not too thick at all on its own chuck it in the case different story that is pretty thick: it's not too meaty, but yeah.

Is it worth the convenience for me, it is but again to use it go to fold lay up. You can use it on the screen. There's! No! This has zero interface. So it's not at all like the Galaxy fold, where you can interact with it, or you can see that you do need to open it up. I, don't actually intend to use the case all the time for me to be I'm, going away, seminars, meetings, hourly office meetings, that sort of stuff where I'll end up using that so yeah look it's its handy, I'm not going to follow up there too much right now, I'll come back with the video, but how I'm using it rating it after I put it through its paces.

I do have a history of burning in happen, phones, don't promote it or not, maybe I'm a little and that do demand a lot of them, but yeah we'll see how that one goes. I. Think definitely I'm not disappointed with this, with the form factor. Robert, like I, said I'll load up the apps and see how, if it improves my productivity, because that is only what I've got it for and if a second screen to something, maybe you might benefit from that is a phone that could be worth considering. I did get that one from B&H photo I couldn't get any ownership over has just been released.

Yeah. That was the unboxing. If you want to call it that my first one and a great one but yeah again normally I'm doing technical text, videos there's a nice change of pace for me. Hopefully you found it beneficial and, like I said, I do have some other tech coming I do have a computer coming I'm very excited that uh has the dual screen in it as well, so you get the dual screen theme going on and then a big monitor arm, but again that this is all productivity stuff. So this is not I, don't game, maybe he's very much just about me improving what I get down in here the get it down.

So if you struggle with productivity, maybe some of these tools well I'll say no, and I'm yeah. First LA Frank we'll see how it goes and if got any questions, thoughts, comments, suggestions leave in the comments below thanks guys, yeah.

Source : Wise Accounting Pty Ltd

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