Jailbreak Air Tail vs Roadster! 600K Car Speed Test (Roblox) By DatBrian

By DatBrian
Aug 21, 2021
Jailbreak Air Tail vs Roadster! 600K Car Speed Test (Roblox)

Hey guys welcome back to another video today and today, a lot of you guys have requested me to race, the roadster and the Airtel. So today we're going to be doing that, and I can see why, because both of these vehicles cost 600 000. So today we're going to find out which 600 000 vehicles is the fastest, but before we begin make sure leave a like and subscribe because it really helps me out a lot. But anyway, I just want to say thank you guys for 100 000 subscribers. The support has been amazing. Thank you guys for so much and let's just jump right into the video, oh yeah.

Before we start, I'm actually going to give you guys like a quick little update, because Massimo actually updated a little patch to the game, which I don't think you guys really know, but I'm going to show you it's. Basically these robbery icons. You can actually enable these or disable them um they're already enabled by default. But if you guys have the boss and game pass, then the icons were actually a bit late, so now they're actually up-to-date. So you get the notification and these will turn green for you before it was just only the free players and everyone else would get it, but now the boss players will get it early and the three players will get a little late.

So yeah, that's a new change, because in the past you only get a notification, so that's pretty cool anyway we're going to be racing, the roadster first. So here we go. This is the roadster 600 000, and also I want to make sure this engine is level five. We want everything to be equipped to level five. So here we go.

As you guys do know, the roadster is incredibly fast for its acceleration. So, as you can see, it already goes very, very fast, and this time I'm going to be doing things a little differently. So you guys, you know my old racing route. I don't know if you guys do know, but I usually race over here. So, as you can see, here is the police station in the city, and I usually have my racing route.

Go all the way over to the prison right all the way. Over here- and that will be my time, but this time I feel like we should make things a little different- I wanted to be a little longer and stuff and oops I just flipped over, but I wanted to be a little longer. So that's why I decided to change my route and the route I want to change it to is over here at the prison like the same starting point- and I want to do this all the way over to the city. So I'm going to go all the way over here. This is sort of encrypted into like statecraft's route, because creep craft actually started from like over here in the past for his speed testing videos.

But this time I wanted to be a little longer and stuff, and I also wanted to do stuff so like oh yeah, I'm not going to do that in the racing part, but I'm going to do this all the way over to the city, and I'm going to end it off at the wall over here. So I'm going to show you, because I want to show you guys the racing route so yeah all the way back there to the wall. So that's going to be the racing route all right. So here we are. I actually rejoined the game because if you guys don't know when it rains, the roads are actually slippery, and I don't want the roads to be slippery because that might be a problem.

You know what I'm saying so anyway. Here we go. Let's just go ahead and line ourselves up all right. This might be a problem, so let me just get that out of the way. Okay, I actually made this into a bigger problem.

I don't want that uh street line away, but here we go. Let's line ourselves up, got to make sure we're lined up on next to the flag. There we go we're kind of like lined up all right, we're not actually straight. That might be a problem because I want it to be like really lined up there we go here we go, and we're going to make sure we're on engine five. I just got to double-check.

Yep we're engine number, five, very good, very good anyway. Here we go three two one go here. We go here we go here we go here. We go! Oh, my goodness. Okay, editor jimmy play some uh music, some good music.

Please we need a good music. Thank you. Thank you. Here we go here. We go all right.

We jump bumped in the street like straight like. Oh, that's, not good, but that's. Okay. We still made it. We still made it all right, some curves in the road, but you know it's already fine, because it's not like that big of a curve.

So here we go we're nearly to the end, we're nearly to the end. Here we go and stop. We just hit it 24.14 seconds. That's for me on my phone, so it might be different for you if you're looking next to the thing, but it should be like the same thing but 24 seconds pretty much for the roadster. I'm actually kind of surprised it didn't UFO, because if you guys don't know if you use a Tesla Roadster or if you use a tesla model 3, if you hit it toward a wall, it usually just does an UFO spiny thing, and it didn't do that.

So I'm actually quite surprised. I don't know, I don't know it's supposed to happen, but it didn't happen. So I'm actually surprised that didn't happen. I mean I kind of want it to happen because that's kind of funny, and it's kind of like a meme now but anyway, that's 24 seconds. So now let's go ahead and test out the Airtel all right.

One annoying thing is the retail spawns like all the way back here so like I just don't really like that, but anyway here's the Airtel as you can see, it is already very fast already and uh we're gonna. Do this again. Oh my goodness, I'm like so excited for this. Here we go here. We go all right, so I'm pretty ready for this.

Let's line ourselves right up here. Oh streetlight, don't get my way! Please don't get my light there. We go, I think, that's all lined up and stuff boom. Just like that. Uh there we go yep lined up here.

We go. Let's begin three. Two one and go: go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Go! Oh, my goodness! The acceleration is picking up. I mean it doesn't accelerate as fast as the roadster, but I'm hoping this is actually the same dang it all right. So here we go.

Let's go ahead and line ourselves right up. All right, streetlight don't get in the way there we go. We're lined up pretty much all right, a little yeah like right there. I think. That's right! Anyway, let's go ahead here.

We go three two one and go here we go here we go here. We go. Let's try not to spin out this time. I'd be like really focused and concentrated on the road. Hopefully we don't spin out this time.

Okay, we're going fast, we're going fast! All right! Here we go last time we pinned off. Okay, we're good. We didn't hit it all right. Okay, now he's got to focus on getting there. Oh, my goodness! Here we go here.

We go here. We go we're almost at the wall, we're almost to the wall, we're almost there. Almost there and stop boom there. We go 24 seconds 0.94, that's on my phone right now um, but pretty much the same speed. The roadster was like pretty much only faster by like milliseconds, I mean I don't know how many milliseconds, but it's pretty much the same second 24 seconds.

So in conclusion, it pretty much is the same speed. Both of them are pretty much the same speed, but I do think the roadster is faster at accelerating. However, there is one trait that I think the Airtel is better than the roadster. So here it is, as you guys do, know the roadster. Let me just get in the roadster and let me just upgrade this.

You know full speed. Let's go, let's see, I'm going to prove it to you engine level, five, and I'll prove this to you. So, as you can see like, I can just back up over here, and you know look at this. It's kind of slow right, he's kind of slow like I'm trying to go fast. But, however, if I go in the air towel- and I just go back look at this- it is way faster than the roadster for 100 sure, so it's actually quite fast backwards.

So that is, I guess, a good trade about it, like it's, a good quality, good thing about it. So you know if you're backing up from police officers, it might actually save you than the roadster, because the roadster is slower, but as you can see, it is quite fast going backwards. So the acceleration I mean acceleration. The speed backwards is good. I don't know, that's just that's just the thing about it, but anyway tell me what you guys think about it down in the comment section below: do you prefer the roadster or the Airtel? Personally, I think I like the roadster because of like the superfast speed of deceleration like it just it's just a quick, getaway car.

You know you can't get it like it's just it's just a quick getaway car. I like it, but the Airtel is also pretty fast much. The same speed I have to say it is pretty much the same speed. Yes, the roadster kind of beat it by like half a millisecond, but like you're, not actually half like nearly a whole second, but pretty much in the same second. So yes, the roadster kind of beat it, but I'm gonna, say they're pretty much the same speed because they're in the same second they're, not like two seconds apart or something, so they are kind of like the same speed.

That's why I think both of the cars are out of the same speed so yeah anyway. Thank you guys for watching. Yes, the roadster kind of won, but yeah anyway, thanks for watching see you guys next time bye, you.

Source : DatBrian

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