iPhone XS Max - Battery - One Month Later! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ By Mark's Tech

By Mark's Tech
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone XS Max - Battery - One Month Later! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Hey guys how's it going, so it's been about a month with the iPhone 10s max. As you can see, I got the gold color with the Oh Rhino shield on it, not sponsored by the way yeah. So I want to talk about battery life because the battery life on this phone is by far the best one I've ever experienced. This is the very first iPhone that I've had, and I've pretty much had every single one of them except the first one. This is the first iPhone that I've had that I can go throughout the whole day and not think twice about am I. Going to have enough battery should I plug it in never and I do not turn off location services, I, don't lower the brightness I, don't turn off I, don't turn off the things that make the iPhone and iPhone I.

Don't understand what people do that? In my opinion, the battery on this phone is beyond anything I've ever imagined it would be I knew it would be good right, I mean obviously, but I didn't know. It would be. This excellent I mean I am beyond happy with this. So I want to show you guys a few screenshots of my day, my typical day with the iPhone right, the first screenshot you guys will see. Let me find it will be my average day pretty much right of what I usually do every day or every other day, so you're looking at it right now right here it is pretty much almost dead.

It is a thing at like two or three percent. As you can see, my screen on time is 6 hours.44 minutes. My screen off time is pretty much one hour. I did an hour of four minutes on YouTube hour for on Instagram 333 minutes playing the asphalt game hour, 15 minutes playing a movie box movie, which, by the way, is a great application. If you want free movies, 19 minutes, Safari, a 20 minute, 20 minutes messages, and you guys can see the rest and I said you know in my photos about pretty much.

You know it was about to die, but this was already at as you guys can see, on the top left hand, corner 11:29, so almost midnight, and obviously I'm, pretty much going to sleep around that time. So, for me, that's pretty damn perfect. The second screenshot you will see is what really amazed me I mean before I even show the screenshot I want you guys to really look at the applications that I'm using and check out how long I've been using them for so here's a screenshot now so pretty much almost seven hours actually way over seven hours. If you count the 19 minutes of screen off time, I did three hours and 30 minutes using GPS I did pretty much three hours of music which, if you put two and two together, I used it in my car while using the GPS 45 minutes of Instagram 27 minutes on camera 23 on Snapchat, which, by the way Snapchat takes a lot of battery by the way 29 minutes on lock screen, 17 minutes, SoundCloud, 11 minutes messages and so on and so forth, and this was at 8:00 or 9:00 p. m.

so. This did die. A little before I would normally go to bed at around 10:00 or 11:00, but again this is what I would call a really heavy usage day. I mean not every day. You're going to need three and a half hours of maps if I did not use that I would most likely have battery way, way past the time that I would normally go to bed.

So this is what I would consider a super heavy usage day, and this is what I'm talking about and I, don't turn off anything I keep location services on I keep Bluetooth on, because I got the got. The watch I keep everything on pretty much I love the feature where, if you get into your car it'll automatically tell you how long you get you know how long to get to work or if you're, going from work to home. It'll tell you how long you know it'll take to get to home or if you park your car somewhere, where you're not familiar with it'll automatically mark that location in your maps, I love using the phone as I intended when I purchased it for over $1000. If you have bad battery by any chance, if you're not seeing these numbers by the way, I am on iOS 12 point 0.1 I. Think let me do me the book.

Let me double-check. Okay, yes, so I am on iOS, twelve point, zero point, one by the way, so pretty much the newest one. That's out! That's not a beta! If you guys are not seeing similar results, I encourage you to set your phone up as new. All right do not go from a backup. Do not go from anything else because I, don't know why, but on previous iPhones, if I backed it up from a backup of like five different other iPhones, something in that backup gets corrupted, not to the point where you can't use your phone but to the point where something may be not working properly.

Some applications may be taking way more battery than normal. So if you are having bad battery or at least if you're not seeing these results, I would highly consider backing everything up to iCloud. You know your photos, your messages, you will not lose them and then just set your phone up as new, and then you'll still be able to get back all those messages and photos and videos and applications. So that's not that's nothing to worry about. If you don't want to do that, you can softly reset and just reset your network settings and everything for some reason I that from what I read people say that also helps with battery so again, I figured if you guys are not seeing these numbers I would highly recommend doing that.

But yeah, that's my video guys. The iPhone 10s max gets two thumbs up for me in the battery department. It is fantastic, I love, if Is mean right now it's 348 p. m. and I'm a 78%.

You guys can't see that you're going to have to take my word for it and I used it a lot today, and I'm still at 78%, and I got up at like 8:00 in the morning. So just a little reference for you guys so yeah guys. That's about it! That's my video kind of kind of short one. Today, that's it have a good one.

Source : Mark's Tech

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