iPhone XR vs iPhone 12 Speed Test! By Nick Ackerman

By Nick Ackerman
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone XR vs iPhone 12 Speed Test!

So, what is up guys nick here, helping you to master your technology, 2018 versus 20, 28, 12 a14, let's see what's popping, let's go ahead and boot these up in three two one now keep in mind that there is one gig ram more for the iPhone 12, though so it bumps up to four gigs of ram that used to be reserved for the more premium model. But now the iPhone 11 even has four gigs of ram as well as the 12. So you do have more ram here in 2020, not by a lot, though, I'd still like to see six gigs and the iPhone 12 says sit down iPhone 10r, I'm the new boy on the block and beats the 10r on the boot up test; okay, guys. So what about face ID with both of these phones? So if you look at either one of these they're gonna really respond very quickly now, when you're wearing a mask, if you are definitely don't work at all, but you can see right there about the same speed on face ID as long as you're. Looking at the sensor now, I do find that the iPhone 10r doesn't hit it as accurately on different angles. So I think it is an improvement for the 12, but in terms of the overall speed as long as you look at the phone they're, both very good, so I would definitely not upgrade thinking.

You're going to get a faster face, ID system, okay guys. So when it comes to the software iOS 14.1 is in the 10r and iOS 14.1 for the iPhone 12. So basically the same exact software. Now I want to mention before we do the zap test, the general scrolling speed going through these. I notice.

Even when I go to app library, I'm not seeing a major difference here. I don't see any more smooth feel to the iPhone 12 either, just because apple decided to keep the old-school 60 hertz display on here. Instead of giving us what the iPad Pro offers, which I thought they would do giving you the iPad Pro like sides here, the squared edges, giving us 120 hertz, but we didn't get that so the iPhone 10r feels just as smooth as the iPhone 12 in day to day use, and I've never had any real lag on the iPhone 10r, not at all face I'd missed a few times in my experience, but this general scrolling, stuff and just everyday usage feels identical on both of these phones. There's no major difference here, all right guys. So we've arrived at the application portion of this speed test.

Let's see which one is quicker, we're going to Instagram, you could see faster there for the iPhone 12, but I mean the differences are not that big we're going to twitter, and you can see that was the iPhone 12. We'll go here to the profile pages here, we'll go to profile and there you go so very similar, we'll go into Amazon, and you can see Amazon's slightly faster there for the iPhone 12. , we'll go into eBay and slightly faster on iPhone 12. We'll take a look at an overpriced watch right here, so how about this one for about 3116, and you can see very similar to load stuff up, we'll go into weather and there we go in the iPhone 12 we're going to calculator very similar, we'll go into Groupon, and you can see the Groupon loaded first. Maybe I think it was on the 12, but once you're in the experience is about identical, so it doesn't look like in day-to-day application.

Speed, you're going to see a big difference on the iPhone 12. I mean I would like to see in the future. These apps get even faster, but it looks like right now. If you bought a phone from the past three years, essentially you're getting the same performance, let's go into app store and applications, so you can see right there. The iPhone 12 a little faster, we'll go through some of those tabs as well.

Here, let's go to this one right here, and we'll go to this one that was faster than 12, we'll go to this one right here and about the same so not seeing life-changing differences here either, just like with the 11, the 10r seems to be doing about the same in performance, we'll go to ESPN, and we'll look at the scores here. That was the 12. Look at the scores. Maybe the 12 will get some updates to these apps to support the 14, chipset and a14, and we'll see maybe a little more performance, we'll go into Apple TV, and you can see that was first there for the iPhone 12 we'll head out of there, and we'll go into Mortal Kombat. Let's see which one does better here in the game.

It looks like the iPhone 12 is ahead here now I tested a few times and I find that the 12 does have a little better performance in gaming, not very noticeable. The 10r was always a champ here as well, so either phone you use here, you can play games all night and have a perfect time. I think you're not going to have any real major lag, and you have great titles, because it's iOS so either way here you go. These are both excellent to do gaming, let's go into pub g and see how it does load this up. These also can both play Call of Duty really easily as well so pub g does seem to be loading a little faster than 12.

So every year you get a little of a bump in gaming um a little, but really the big difference here is the OLED, the higher pixels per inch, the 5g performance. I mean pick the iPhone 12. If you love the square edges as well. There are other reasons: the camera HDR video. There are other reasons to pick up the 12 over this iPhone 10r, let's go into temple run, but the 10r is showing why it's still in apple's lineup for sale.

You could still buy it at apple. So definitely there's a good reason for that, because it's a beast in performance still, and it also gives you most of what you need in an iPhone so definitely still around and should be for a while, let's go into iMovie, and you see about the same performance, this is insane for the 10-hour doing so well, let's go to geek bench 5, and you can see that apple's chips on both of these are beasts. Now, let's go through these applications to see. If we do get any reloads, we have three gigs on the left. We have four on the right of ram, we'll go to temple, run both did the same.

There PUBG, both of them, basically identical Mortal Kombat about identical. I mean this is fun. Let's go into Apple TV about identical there, news about identical again ESPN, both of them fine, app store. Both of them are totally fine there as well, let's go to YouTube, and you can see a little of loading. The videos we'll go into Groupon, very good calculator, very good weather, both of them reload the weather but looks like the 12, was a little faster there, eBay and we'll head out of eBay, and we'll go into Amazon reload.

What why the iPhone 12 look like it just reloaded that we'll go here to twitter and see what happens here very similar, we'll go into Instagram about the same, so the four gigs of ram doesn't seem to have been making a major difference here as well as iOS 14 has been optimized for these phones, so man these where neck and neck. And surprisingly, the results are basically you're. Probably not going to see a major bump in performance. If you have an a12 bionic chipset going to this a14, unless of course, you're going to be rendering out video on your phone, okay guys. So when it comes to internet performance, the 5g does make a difference for the 12.

But we're going to take a look at the sun spider through Wi-Fi see how those browsers do perform. The iPhone 12 has been beating on these other phones when it comes to just pure internet speed. Here, though, so you can see this refresh at 90 or 85.1 milliseconds versus a 125 on the 10r, so internet performance also will be better due to the nature of the chip in here. You have Qualcomm in here this older one. Definitely from intel not going to be the most reliable and day to day out and about, so I would count more on the iPhone 12 to be a better internet performer, but when it comes to the know day-to-day scrolling and zooming, there is no upgrade here um, you would see no upgrade and scrolling if Apple went to promotion, but you're not going to see it here because they stuck with 60 hertz, okay, guys, so we're going to export these videos save them and see which one can do this faster.

This task does take quite some time, so I will speed up the video here. So let's save the video here on the iPhone 10r we're gonna, do it in 4k. This is a 4k video. It's like five minutes. So, let's go ahead and hit save video, and they're gonna export, and I'll be back when these two are done.

Okay, so both of them are done and the iPhone 12 has beat the 10r just by a little. So even rendering out video is still very, very powerful for the iPhone 10r, so we're going to go ahead and go and do a geek bench test now and see which one does have the better scores I'll be back when these are done as well. Okay, so here are the final scores, and you could see the 10r getting whooped by the iPhone 12 in the multi-core, but not so much in the single core, which is what we test a lot of today. You know everyday tasks so honestly. In conclusion, the iPhone 10r versus the 12 is really going to be down to a few factors.

It's going to be. Do you want to switch to the squared edges of the iPhone 12? Do you want that extra camera? Do you like the new colors? Do you want 5g? Do you want the super dense and also super colorful and saturate doled display? If those are you upgrade to the 12, if you're like no I'm just looking for a beast phone more power, more performance, then this is not going to be a major jump here thumbs up. If you enjoyed the video and get your comments in on which ones you want to see next, because the 10r was one of the most requested. That's why this video appeared today, because I am listening to your feedback, so drop that down below I'll catch you all in the next episode. Thank you very much for watching be sure to be well and peace.


Source : Nick Ackerman

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