iPhone XR: How to Turn Camera Shutter Button Click Sound On & Off By WorldofTech

By WorldofTech
Aug 15, 2021
iPhone XR: How to Turn Camera Shutter Button Click Sound On & Off

Hey, what is going on guys, so you have a iPhone 10, are gonna, show you how to turn the clicking sound when you click on the lock button on and off so right now, I have it on so every time I go ahead and lock my phone with a lock button here, you'll hear a little click just like that. Okay, so first thing to do is go ahead and go into your settings here, go into settings, and then you want to go down to where it says, sounds and haptics tap on that and scroll down. You want to make sure lock sound. So if you want to on make sure it's toggled on, if you want to off toggle it off now, I'm going to go ahead and leave it on right now. So every time I hit the lock button. You can hear that now.

The thing is, if you have the mute button on which is right here on the top left-hand side if I push down on the mute button, so it's muted now I can see the little orange on there. So I know it's muted. Now it's also going to mute the lock sound as well you're, not going to be able to hear anything okay. So let me go ahead and unmute it again and now, every time I lock my phone again, we're going to go ahead and hear it so that you guys go pretty simple. I hope that helped you guys out thanks for watching guys, I'll see you in the next one.

Source : WorldofTech

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