iPhone XR Gaming Test COD Mobile Battle Royale at 2020 using Screen Record & Graphics Setting By TeddyKho Gaming

By TeddyKho Gaming
Aug 15, 2021
iPhone XR Gaming Test COD Mobile Battle Royale at 2020 using Screen Record & Graphics Setting

Welcome to the technical channel gaming, this is iPhone.10R iPhone 10r is already two years because it launched at 2018 and right now at 2020. The performance is still good. Let me check the spec iPhone tenant is using a12 bionic, you can see it. The performance is still good, even at 2020, and the ram is just three and the storage at this point is 128. The an tutu score from iPhone 10r right now at 2020 is 423 thousand. The geek bench score is about 1000 and the multi-core is 1800, and today I want to show you performance gaming from iPhone 10r at 2020, and the game is called duty mobile.

This is a call of duty mobile from iPhone 10r. The graphics setting is slow max medium max high mix. Oh, the setting is just only at very high, very high. It can be to very high mix. Okay and I have playing better royal mood and a record with the screen coding from this phone just check it out.

Oh, watch out zombies incoming guys airdrop has been delivered. Oh, oh, thank you for watching. My video sorry for my English is very bad. All I want is selling to you performance gaming from iPhone 10r at 2020. Thank you and see you in the next video.

Source : TeddyKho Gaming

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