iPhone 6 Vs iPhone 6S speed test By TechRadar

By TechRadar
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone 6 Vs iPhone 6S speed test

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the iPhone 6 vs 6s speed test. We've got the six on the left and the 6s on the right, I'm John, McCann, I'm, James, Beckum, and we're here to see them starting up from the off position. James where's your money, it's gotta, be the success, really hasn't it. It's got the a9 processor inside it, and you got the inside. The six, which was an amazing chipset, but yeah I was tilting a little while to boot. I need 20 seconds in now and uh still waiting.

All the mess inside oh and the success is first run out. The door or into Facebook sits pretty good living there getting. Oh, there are some issues, loading Facebook on the success and the six is catching up. So we're going to go through the apps that you can see on the screen of the 6s, we're going to run through them. I think we've got ten apps in total, we're just going to keep going through them.

We're going to go through twice, so they're already cached and everything yes. Existing I need now early doors and the six running the older, an eight processor, the success, the newer, a nine processor yeah, and it's got a little of work to do the new success. Yeah. Definitely, but we seem to be actually catching up with a six. There now is improving.

It is speeding up its finally warmed up there we go. Nine is spinning. They are basically exactly the same time right now, a little of a notification issue on the old X. So we're going to start some games up here. We've got Nova, I am Real.

Racing 3 you'll notice that the wrong way around in this video, but that's not really a problem. Both games will be loaded, yeah, and we'll never take no time at all. The success led it was the lightning quick. You know. Even real racing is now quad to a racing on the six and the sticks has still got no virus or an after every on the success.

It is its a whole big game ahead, and that is an it's quite a different color car we have it's very nice I mean that is classy stuff, familiar thing: I'm wearing wise layer on the success and the six is still loading the game. So it is a good app to AP's. Behind now on the 6s we've almost finished a first lap, though there we go. Facebook is loading up on the 6s, and we're just getting to the camera on the six there and there we go. The sex has finished it's the first lap 6s halfway through the second lap.

It looks like it's going to close this test easily. Now he's steaming through it now everything's cash. Doesn't it is just it's no surprise if, if the six one there'd be poor, fans would not like it, they'll be leaving early they'll, be ripping up their season tickets. So thankfully this is it as I kept. Everyone engaged I go back into the games again, they're already all loaded they're that Nova ? no time yeah they're ready to roll I players.

Yeah, the success has got this. Doesn't if it's? In the home stretch, now just one left to go and boom picture taken game over two minutes, 28 seconds for the success the sticks are still going. Let's just see what time that clocks, it's almost there one more at the camera, take the photo, stop the clock two minute: 42 minutes, 12. Second different yeah! Thank you for joining.

Source : TechRadar

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