iPhone 12 Battery Surprise By LaterClips

By LaterClips
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone 12 Battery Surprise

Possible iPhone 12 battery certification suggest lower capacities than iPhone 11 series uh. This is a report. It's speculation based on a few batteries that were identified via model numbers and appeared on safety, Korea, china's 3c and danish agency UL demo. These are certification agencies that look at products and components prior to them launching in those regions, and so many are speculating that these components are going to be for the upcoming iPhone models, including the iPhone 12 12 max 12, pro and 12 pro max, and the capacities that come along with these new model numbers 2227 William hours for the regular 5.4 inch, iPhone, 12, 12, max 2775, Williams, uh, 12 pro the same and then 12 pro max at 3 687 William hours uh. These are not terrible numbers, but they're, not as good as the previous models, the 11 pro and 11 pro max uh, those two devices I should say for those that are unfamiliar tremendous battery, particularly on the max model. Arguably the best battery in a flagship period, and I've I've looked at battery tests.

I've I've used those devices on my own, it's just they had them. They had great battery life and that hadn't necessarily been an area where apple was the strongest, and they really put a lot of attention into it on those 11 pro models. So some people are upset, saying hey. You did something so right. Why you take a step back now, particularly you're, going to have 5g you're going to be using more battery life, but who knows why they needed the space? Who knows what the agenda was it's hard to say without having a device here yet, but nonetheless you're going to be taking a step back? It looks like if this, if this report is what ends up happening here, the iPhone 11 Pro had a 3046 William hour battery and the 11 pro max had a 3 969 William Io battery, so almost 4 000 William hour battery in the pro max model that dips down to 36.87 and on the non-max model. It goes from 3046 William hours down to 27.75, and so people are saying, if you get the high refresh display on there, if you get the 5g in there, that's more power consumption, and you pair it with a smaller battery. Well, for sure we're going to get I mean I don't know what software optimizations you can bring to the table, but chances are.

We may have a slight step back on battery life for those upcoming models worth considering.

Source : LaterClips

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