iPhone 11 vs Galaxy Note 10 Drop Test! Which Phone is More Durable?! By GizmoSlip

By GizmoSlip
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone 11 vs Galaxy Note 10 Drop Test! Which Phone is More Durable?!

In three two one: what's up and welcome to episode of the game's muscle up today, we're going to be drop testing the iPhone 11 versus the Galaxy Note 10, which I've already drop tested, but we're going to be splicing the footage together. So you can see a side-by-side comparison of these two phones and how their durability adds up or stacks up now, we're going to be drop testing both of these phones up to 10 times to see how long they can survive and once the front and back glass is shattered. We're going to smash the crap out of them in ultra epic slow motion, it's going to be freaking epic. Let's get started all right, we're going to start off with the bottom left corner drop test in three two ones. Let's check the damage, that's a lot of scuffing, but did the glass actually shatter scuff the metal pretty bad, but the rubber did the job protecting the glass all right? Well, the displayed in shatter. Look at this plastic screen protector already starting to take damage.

It's already ripped a little right here. This screen protector is not designed to last very long, but we'll leave it on there. The whole drop test and see if it makes a difference. Three two one bounced onto the glass that time all right did it survive. Drop number two looks like it, even though it bounced onto the glass, so that was the original drop impact.

This is the impact from this time and the glass did get scratched a little right here, but that's pretty minor. We've got another impact point right here. Overall, it's still looking good, though the stylist shot out of the phone looks like it's. Okay did the phone survive? Yes, okay, so you can see that the screen protector is still taking more damage. I mean I'm glad the glass didn't break, but that's a lot of damage in three two one that turned into a lot more of a face drop than anticipated.

Oh boy, did we shatter the front already yep? We did well. You really can't trust that front screen protector very well. That drop essentially turned into a face down drop test. Let's take a look at that slow motion replay and see exactly what happened. Okay here comes the note 9 it's hitting in the bottom right corner first and then flips down slams the top right corner into the ground, and you can see it's shattered in several points and I mean holy crap.

You can easily tell that that plastic screen protector did not do hardly anything. One thing I want to point out is that this is actually really smooth. You can't feel these cracks at all, which actually makes this note 10 still pretty usable, and that's just because of that plastic screen protector. We're going to go ahead and see how durable the back glass is. My hopes are not high.

I thought we had something with this front screen protector being built into the note 10, but that is clearly not enough to protect the glass at all from a direct impact you're going to want a better thicker screen protector. That's going to absorb those impacts, I'll have a link down below if you're interested in picking one up. For your note, 10. That definitely whipped back onto the back that had a crunch. I don't know, I don't really have a crunch or not did the back crack on that hit.

I don't know, let's see, no, it did not impressive a lot of damage right there very jagged gouge there. You could probably cut your hand if you push too hard on that, but gotta watch out for those right did it survive yes, and the camera module did take a little of scratch there right on the corner. I don't think that'll affect the image quality because it's just on the edge. That's definitely one big downside of this giant camera bump these. These cameras are gonna, be sticking out even more especially for the backdrop but uh.

Hopefully this metal edging around it protects the glass from any damage, we'll see still alive, move on to drop number seven, we're going to try to hit the sides now these drops are the hardest, because you oftentimes get accidental front back, drops we're gonna. Try our best here, dropping it on the left side, with the volume buttons they're. Probably gonna, mess this up. Oh well, here we go in three two one yike's face down drop of course straight to the action it hit really hard on the glass. It's still alive.

Look at that! Oh man, that's heck in, impressive! It definitely took some impact. There take a look at this corner. We also took some impact there. Let's see yeah the glass got almost chipped, but it didn't shatter or crack. That is really cool.

Not very many smartphones would have survived that drop. Just now here comes that iPhone, 11, let's go and take a look at the space down. Drop essentially hits on the corner and whips down straight into this pebbled concrete, and somehow it didn't break. I'm actually really impressed. Not very many android phones would have survived that drop for sure.

Let's go ahead and try landing on the side again, maybe it'll end up as a backdrop. This time, all right going for that side drop once more in three two one: okay, that was a lot better side drop. I'm pretty happy with that. Okay, let's check it out. Oh man, the cameras definitely took some scratches right there.

On the surface that time I just wiped the cameras clean, and they look pretty good got some impact points right here. I think we're looking pretty good, though no cracks on the front or back okay, it's time to find out how durable this aura glow glass back is. Here we go three two one: okay, dun dun dun. What no way it survived! That is insane. I can't believe that it didn't shatter on the direct impact on the back.

Let's go ahead and take a look at the slow motion replay and see what happened. All right here comes the note 10. You can see. It hits on one side, flops bounces around the corners and whoa the stylus actually popped out, and then somehow the stylus goes back in, because the stylus was not popped. When we initially picked the phone up.

Look at this, the stylus goes right back in, and it goes junk, and it connects back inside what so it survived that impact ricocheting around the edges of the back. I'm curious if we can't get a more direct impact on the back glass. Three, two one feeling pretty good about that drop test. Let's see what look at this you can even see where, on the back glass it took the impact, and it didn't shatter. Okay, all right Samsung.

This is impressive stuff. Why didn't you do the same glass on the freaking front? Huh, we're gonna, try dropping it on the back again and see what happens in three two one that seemed to be another, pretty good drop on the back, and we finally cracked it. It took three consecutive hits on the back to be able to shatter it, but we finally have done it uh, interestingly enough not shattered anywhere, except the very corner glass above the camera, which is kind of impressive. I honestly thought we would have shattered the back much worse by now, after three big drops directly on the glass we're going to drop it on the back glass in three two one whoa check this out. I'm really impressed that was a huge impact.

The back glass didn't shatter, it looks like the camera bump actually took the brunt of that impact. Let's see both cameras, look like they're scratch-free, where the actual lens looks out of you know like the just. The edges are scratched, so that's okay, and then we've got just a tiny bit of damage on the actual other lumpish part here, but dang. The back glass is still looking good. The front is still looking good as well.

What the heck this iPhone is so durable. Let's drop it on the front one more time and see if it survives that okay, so I'm still super impressed, let's see if it can survive the 10th drop on the face, so this will be the second face down drop, actually dropping it on the face, once more in three two one: we managed to crack the glass finally, and we cracked it perfect ouch like it, doesn't crack until it really cracks all right. Well, now we got a nice crack, it cracked we're going to go ahead and smash his smash. Oh my god in three, two one whoa. Okay, that's insane look at how pretty that thing is just needed to keep shattering it.

It's going to get better and better. Here we go shatter in the back one more time in three two one: oh dang! Look at that! That's insane! Oh, god! It just keeps getting cooler and cooler to look at like I could have a 10 minute, video just looking at this phone. That's the truth, though this is like, oddly satisfying for sure. Oh, this back is so cool. The front screen is also weirdly, colored and awesome.

Looking so it bothers me a lot that the back glass hasn't broken during this drop test. Oh damn, oh that's a shattered iPhone right. There look at all the glass on my driveway uh we're going to get a broom to sweep that up jeez all right. Well, there you go. That's the drop test between the iPhone 11 and the Galaxy Note 10.

I have to say the note.10 is far more fragile. This thing broke so quickly and the iPhone 11 survived all the way to drop 10, which is just mind-blowing. So I would argue, the iPhone 11 is one of the most durable smartphones ever made, especially a smartphone. That's made with double glass on the front and back. But what did you think? Let me know in the poll in the top right, which phone do you think survived better and also which one do you think got smashed better.

I think the note 10 took a lot more damage. Look how bent it is. Oh yeah, we did a baseball bat on this. Didn't we, I was gonna, say, there's probably another reason for that? We did a bit more damage to this one thanks so much for watching be sure to like that smash button and notify for that subscribers I'll see you in the next ones. That was the best one.


Source : GizmoSlip

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