iPhone 11 Battery Life: Nothing But The Facts - Did They Tell Us Everything? By Ace Lucero Tech

By Ace Lucero Tech
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone 11 Battery Life: Nothing But The Facts - Did They Tell Us Everything?

Hey how's it going everybody, so today we're going to be talking about the battery life. I have been getting for the past week with the iPhone 11. Let's jump right into it, it's 40 the screenshots that I've taken. So this one right here is, you can see up there ahead when I did this, screenshot I had about 20-25 percent battery left and even then I was looking at five hours screen on time, close to six five hours.52 minutes come over here, Elizabeth this other one safe, teen close to six hours screen on time, and you can see what was happening here. You look up there. I was down to 10 10 percent right there and safety here this time in six hours screen on time, and if you look up there at the battery, you can see, I was getting.

I was down to 10 percent anyway long story short the battery life on the iPhone 11 is perfect if you're using it like normal here's. What I discovered say and look by the way, I have everything running everything that I basically can write the one thing about an iPhone you can have. You can really control like your privacy, you can control your location services. So with a lot of these apps, the location is only working when I'm using the app and to me, that's really, really cool. So that's another reason.

You know everyone talks about like day, 13 Bionic. You know it does a perfect job at. Oh, you know over of regulating how much power is being used, but on the other hand, the way iOS does things like with the location services and the way you can. You know you can what? Basically, what I'm saying is? Whatever you want running will run and whatever is not running, you can control. Alright, you control all that stuff.

So basically you can get the best battery life. You can get out of your iPhone. Now you will see right now. Those I'm sure a lot of you already noticed. I have up as old habits, die hard people I'm used to using Google services.

Okay, so I have the Google Calendar Gmail other Google photos, Google Cape come over here. You can see that I have other Google apps installed as well and over here this kind of right, throne-like like the Apple, perhaps okay, but you, so you still didn't see more in google apps on here. So with that being said, I am still getting terrific battery life with the Google apps installed am I saying that it would. But there are some people out there that are, that would say, hey. Maybe it's best to not install the Google apps on your iPhone, because your battery life might suffer and that's not true.

Okay and another thing here, my battery life probably could be a lot better if gee, alright. So during the day, I have my brightness right there about 85 I was 90. Okay, that's where I run it I'm used to doing that. Okay, it's not bad I mean I'm. Sure I could get better battery life.

If I was a little more conservative, say I kept it about right. There yeah like for this video I, keep it here. Just for, like you know, for lighting purposes, but I'm sure if I was to go back to some of my old ways and run might display like at 70% sure my battery life would probably go through the roof right, but I said I'm keeping it between 80 and 90% on this, and this is the way it is I mean we're in 2019. We don't need to be running around with our displays turned all the way down the way we used to do that all right now. What else can we talk about with this? Oh, but I do want to say this though.

Yes, battery life is amazing, but whenever you start watching videos, whatever you start playing video games, whenever you start leaning on this battery, it drains fast, I've noticed it, and I first noticed that last weekend, whenever I got this phone on a Friday and me, basically I say I broke it in over the weekend right last weekend, and you know just videos, you name it. I was doing it all the other social media and the battery drained okay, and it is what it is. It's a 3110 William battery, but whenever, like say, you're at work, and you're like using this phone, the way a regular person would a normal person right, a working person like me all right there in the week they were you seen the battery life that I got all right. Six, sweet, on-time, easy, that's, not even a question sweet six. Our screen on time is not even a challenge and yes, I've, been out using the camera.

Yo you all have seen my photos. I made some videos, I posted them to YouTube, so I've been out. Recording videos I've been out taking a lot of photos. I have been having fun with this iPhone 11. It works amazing, with the Apple EarPods I've been blue, taking music like over here, I like in my truck whenever I'm cruising around I mean I have not been given the phone.

A break, I have just been using it a hardcore, much as I can and in the standby time on. This is amazing, say you charged it up all the way before you go to bed, you unplug it look it up in the morning, and it is barely used any battery. So that's very, very impressive right there, all right now, if you did want to save more battery, go into your settings, you know go to your email, open your different, different, app settings and stuff like that. Go in there and control like when things are syncing say you can go into certain apps, and you only want them to sync. Whenever you open the app say you want the locational services, the only work whenever you're in the app itself, things like that you can actually control, and you can actually extend the battery life on this device.

Okay and also just be really picky, with the kind of apps that you're putting on here. I'm always talking about you know only using apps from trusted developers the one app that I'm a little suspicious of right now, but it's not an iPhone, so I'm like I, don't know me, I, don't know if it was on an ad for anyway. This step right here called my radar I. Don't have the pro version of it on Android I do but on this um iPhone I don't right now, I, just oh, my god, I don't feel like it's a $9 a month subscription, and I'm like, or is it nine dollars a year anyway, I better look into it, I'm not paying that kind of money, though, for an app I'm like I, don't mind paying once, but I don't want. I don't want to pay over and over and over everyone's going to be calling me a cheapskate.

It is what it is, but that's take that one out right there that I'm kind of suspicious of, but I've kind of, like I, said it. The location only works whenever in the aphids of weather apps. Also, they have a tendency to. They have a tendency to be a little. You know they can.

Let me strip something here. I've been messing with this I have not messed with this anyway, so there we are right there uh you see here. Maybe you can go to your settings. I'm gonna! Do it because I don't want to put myself on blast. Looking for your settings, go to the weather, see what you can do right there with that I mean look I'm curious.

Now, let's do it just with it. This was a say cover this look. Let me see if we can find something that says weather here. I do not see anything that says weather all right, maybe I'm missing something. That's like the one thing: I have not messed with: okay, anyway, usually whenever I'm on other phones, whenever I'm on another phone, like kind of whenever I'm on an Android phone, I'm, really, really picky about weather apps as well weather apps can be really can really lean heavy on your battery.

If you don't go in there and control, what's going on with it, because weather apps I mean the whole point of a weather, app say you live in tornado alley. The whole point of the weather app is to take care of you and protect you and alert you. Whenever a tornado is heading towards your house. That way, you can go jump in the ditch or get in the basement or whatever it is. You do okay, Freddie, whatever you're about to get hit with the tornado.

You know anyway. So that's you know. So when you do install these weather apps make sure that your um, you know you go into the setting of the weather app itself, and you know I, don't know control it. The way you think it needs to be controlled. If you live in tornado alley, and it's tornado season- and you know, there's going to be active weather in your area.

Then yes get your weather app and go ahead and have it set to alert you whenever there's hazardous weather coming as you can see here, I have the Google app on here, but I also have it kind of controlled. Ok, it's not just using location whenever it wants. I haven't, set to only use location whenever I open the app itself. So let me come over here. Let me do something or real, quick huh.

Let me see here there we go so basically there we are, so now I open it. It's showing me the weather, huh. Well, there you go all right. So that's how I'm doing it there. That's how I'm doing it with the Google app itself.

So, as I said, there's been a lot of people out there. That'll actually say that Google apps are you know they? They use a lot of battery, and you know if you don't control them. They can especially on Android on iOS, in my opinion, and to me of what I've discovered I've discovered that it's much easier to control what your apps are doing. All right I mean any of these apps. You can just say you know no notifications, control that location manage your sync time like with the email.

You know if you don't look personally for me: I, don't really mind how much I'm not sure if I'm, not a battery I'm, not a battery saver I'm not into that you all for those of you that watch my videos you all know that I'm not here trying to save battery I'm, just letting the phone go. Okay, I'm doing it does whatever it wants, but for those of you most of you all can get away with go to your Gmail or your email app period and only synced. Whenever you open it that'll help right there too, okay, and you can do that with whatever else. That's that'll. Allow you to do that all right.

So there's just some battery. That's some battery tips right there, but the battery life on iPhone 11 for the everyday user. Like me, it has been terrific I, don't I, don't have like battery anxiety, I, don't carry a charger with me everywhere. I, don't have nothing like I. Don't worry about stuff like that I'm, actually pretty confident all right! Well, that's not good for this video I appreciate all.

Are you watching catch all of you in the next one?.

Source : Ace Lucero Tech

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