iPad Pro Magic Keyboard battery test — Does it drain faster than the Smart Folio Keyboard? By Fjordstrøm Travel & Tech

By Fjordstrøm Travel & Tech
Aug 14, 2021
iPad Pro Magic Keyboard battery test — Does it drain faster than the Smart Folio Keyboard?

I want its Fester I've, been using my magic keyboard for a few days now, and this keyboard has transformed the way I work with my iPad. First, the keys are just awesome. I mean they're, really much better than these keys here of the smart Keyboard folio, or they really didn't hate these. These are just better now. The trackpad also changed the Braille work. This here is so useful, specially on webpages that I can't visit anymore.

Now, besides, all the prose, there's a few cons to this keyboard and one of them might be battery consumption. I mean this has backlit keys. It has a trackpad, so naturally it should use more battery and there have been articles right now, popping up the past few days of people having battery drain issues. Now those are mainly Hardware, related, I think, but still it raises some attention now to the battery consumption of this device, so I'm thinking now what if we do a battery drain test. So this is how we'll run the test.

This keyboard has to be used continuously during 20 minutes in the first 20 minutes will be just I'll, be just typing a Wikipedia page at 50% brightness of the keyboard. Then we're going to switch off the brightness just, just switch off the light and keep on typing again 20 minutes, then we're going to switch the brightness to 100% and again type for 20 minutes and finally, we're going to switch to the smart, Keyboard folio and then try it again for 20 minutes and see if there's a difference with all the other three settings of this keyboard over here. So let's get started, so the keyboard is at half practice. I just switch to see if it will stay there yeah there it is okay. Half brightness 90% is now quarter past one okay, it's 135 now 86% so the person they turn from 90 to 86 and a half brightness.

Now, let's go to settings and set now at no brightness at all, so it's just turned all the way down. This is nothing coming from here right now. Let's continue from 86%, which has just turned a few like a minute ago. Again, 20 minutes up to 155 and see if it will also go down with 4% or less all right. It's 1:55 can I just turn 82%.

So, with the keyboard turned off, it again lost 4%. Still it's similar to halfway 50% brightness, which is actually very surprising. My keyboard is now as one represent brightness again, and it was really 82% okay, so it might that's it for 81 and a half right now, and I'll just continue again for another 20 minutes up to 270, okay, it just turned to 17, and it's now at 77% so turn down at about 5%. This was to be expected, of course, at 100 it uses slightly more power, but still the battery drain issue isn't really there I mean it's just 1% more in 20 minutes now, of course, if it uses a for a longer period of time, this will accumulate to let's say 5 or 10% more. So this was a test on the magic keyboard.

I think you can conclude now that it uses about 3 to 5 percent in battery when using this now, let's switch to the smart, Keyboard folio and do the same test.20 minutes typing of currently now my sixth page, but we'll try it one more time with the smart Keyboard for you to see. If there's actually a difference with this keyboard. Now it was her 877 percent. Let's say it's: seven: six and a half now and let's continue typing for 20 minutes up to two forty-one in my time: okay to forty-one, and it's 73 percent, so it lost about three percent three and half percent over the past 20 minutes. In other words, how much can I conclude now, after all of these tests? After me, almost writing for two hours, but is that the difference between the magic keyboard and this smart folio keyboard is just tiny after 20 minutes, the difference is usually let's say just one percent or even less, if you'd compare them side-by-side.

So I hope this gives you a perspective on the battery consumption of each keyboard and that's especially, and especially the difference with the magic keyboard. Isn't that big now good to note is that this is the iPad Pro 2018, which has an ultra battery. That's right, it loses maybe more than your brand-new 2020 iPad Pro, but still to compare just both keyboards. The results are actually quite similar. Now, do you have a magic keyboard or are you planning on buying one? Let me know in the comments below please hit the like button.

If you found this video useful and just to support, my two hours of typing will really be great thanks for watching and see you in the next video.

Source : Fjordstrøm Travel & Tech

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