How to Update Software System Update on Galaxy A50s, A50, A40, A30, A20, A10, etc By WorldofTech

By WorldofTech
Aug 21, 2021
How to Update Software System Update on Galaxy A50s, A50, A40, A30, A20, A10, etc

Hey, what's going on guys, I got a Samsung Galaxy 850 here, I'm going to show you how to do a software update very, very simple I, just update it mine. One thing you got to do is just go into your settings, so you can just simply just swipe up like this go into your settings and then from here you just want to scroll all the way down. Until you see software update tap on that and then tap up here, download install it's better. If you're connected to Wi-Fi not connected to Wi-Fi, to use your mobile data anyways, you can see my software is up-to-date. If yours wasn't to give you option down here to download you will click on download, then you have to wait for this update here. I had to wait, probably like 10 minutes for it to fully update, but once you click on download you get like a progress bar and once it's done downloading, then you have to come back to the same area go back to here and then click on download install, and then it's going to give you an option on the bottom to go ahead and actually install it.

So pretty simple any questions or anything like that comment below, thanks.

Source : WorldofTech

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