How to Set up the Samsung Galaxy S20 By Jack Leigh

By Jack Leigh
Aug 21, 2021
How to Set up the Samsung Galaxy S20

Everyone jacks here today we're taking a look at how to set up the new Samsung Galaxy S 20. You don't see my unboxing video I'll leave a link in the top right. There we'll go ahead and set this up for the first time. So once you do sit up, go ahead and hit the start button there and then select your language, so I'm going to go down to English United Kingdom hit next, then you have to agree to some policies, so I'm going to go ahead, get agree to that one and that one, you don't have to do these three at the bottom, so I'm not going to do those hit next, then it's going to want you to connect to a Wi-Fi network. This will allow you to sign in to all your Google accounts, amps and counts and update phone. So I'll go ahead and do that now, and we'll come back once I've entered the password.

Okay, once you've done that connected to the Wi-Fi, you can go ahead and hit next there, and it will go ahead and load up the next page you can see here now. We need to do a service provider setup, so it needs to restart the setup features and services from your service provider. So I'll go ahead and hit restart, and we'll come back once the phone's restarted. I, guess, okay, so it's done that reboot they're, not normally that happens, but some reason it did now. It's asking if I wanted to copy any data across from an old phone.

If you have an old phone- and you want to do that- hit next, and it will walk you through that setup, I'm gonna head, don't copy, and then it's going to go ahead and checking info, and now you can sign in to your Google cloud, which I would recommend doing if you're going to be using this phone a lot I'm going to head a skip for now and hit skip. It's telling you what you will get so access to the Play Store. Then it's asking you Google services: do you want to allow it to use location and allows canning? So this is going to improve location detection, we'll go ahead and accept that diagnostic I'm going to hit off there, and then he accepts. And then it's asking you if you want to set up a protection using a fingerprint or any of these I'm gonna head and hit fingerprint hit continue. You will have to set a pin pattern or password, so I'm going to go ahead and use a pin just for zeros, and then it's going to walk you through setting up to the fingerprint scanner.

So it's the same as the s10. You just put your finger on here, rest it, and it will copy it over. So you have to do it quite a few times, and it's actually the same size sensor as yes turn, so not any bigger or faster starting. You there to get full scan. So just change the angle of your finger go ahead and hit next.

You could have added another one. If you want to, then it's going to get you some recommended apps, so you can sign in to your Samsung Account and get things like the Galaxy store. Bixby Samsung pay, but I'm going to go ahead and hit skip, and it's telling you there everything you can get with that. It's good, and it says all done, and it's saying there at the bottom unused apps will be put to sleep tips. Then you back through life, and this will cause some apps to stop working properly tap here to prevent this.

So if you have some apps, you don't want to close. You can tap there to go straight to that setting, but we'll hit finish, and you can see there, the new wallpaper for the s20, and it's beeping away, downloading new apps and updating that's what I recommend checking first is if there is an update and to do that, you would scroll down, go into settings all the way down to a software update and download and install, and it's going to go ahead and check if there are any updates. So if there are download it and install if you found this video useful, if you have any questions, do post a comment down below get subscribed as well for all the s20 content coming up and give this video like if you found it useful thanks for watching guys, and I'll, see you in the next video.

Source : Jack Leigh

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