By iFerg
Aug 21, 2021

So over the last year and a half Call of Duty mobile has had 13 seasons, which means that all these other game developers have had 13 seasons in order to copy Call of Duty mobile make it look like this. I mean dude. This looks like it came out in, so today we're going to be looking at some of the worst call of duty, mobile ripoff games or in other words games that are meant to be like Call of Duty, but just feel miserably I'll make it all come true, okay, so the first game is call of sniper. Oh, they want me to make a profile. This is the music. In the background, I'm dude sure I've used this song a couple of times in my videos.

If you watch the plays channel, you've definitely heard this song bought Berg. What it doesn't even give me my country, what the hell is. These is you serious dead? I got an ad I did. I haven't even played a game yet, and you're, giving me ads call of sniper like what's going on here, what where's the deal? What I don't understand what's going on this game is trash already one eternity later yo. Oh, the music's playing again, it's kind of team black dude turn this off.

Get this out of here. Bro. Is this just one big remove odds. Let me click it. I did.

I clicked remove ads. It's not lit. Okay, unbelievable gaming experience on call of sniper. So far, oh, oh, they want yeah, okay, yep, all right. They want me to pay five pounds or seven dollars to um purchase new ads.

I haven't even played a game. Oh look, I'm actually from Turkey. Let's start her up. Another advert, you would have thought. Oh another, five, forty, ninety-nine unlock, all the guns, twenty percent.

You never know when you might need that little extra gun. You know the one that has more damage than all the rest of them, faster fiery, lower recoil. I mean it's not a pay-to-win game. Why would you think that they've called the Finnish the smg3 did? I have to buy these weapons 9.99 for one gun 13.99 for just give me this just give me this one. Ah, more ads.

Oh fantastic, still. Haven't played a goddamn game. This is absolutely ridiculous. No, I don't did. Why? Are you just throwing money purchases down my throat and there's another ad at the top right? Let me play level one.

Oh, my god, another advert look at this one dude. This is ridiculous. It's just it's just girls, getting their stuff cut off all right start mission. We've made it into the game. Oh, we've got some epic music got some epic music.

Let's go! What is this text on the screen? This text is like the text that you get in Microsoft Word when you first boot up a computer, all right! Oh, oh, I mean then what's forever. I need no! No! No! No! I don't wanna! Furthermore, I don't want to buy all this stuff. No! Thank you just give me the gun. Now another odd! I don't want your stripping stuff. Are you being sick? I can't believe that there are games that actually exist like this.

Oh, we're in we're in we're in let me go come on jump jump jump. Oh I'm, cracked! I'm cracked! Look at this! Get the hell out of my iPad. Now it's time for call of battlefield, they are everywhere and watching us. Okay, oh, is there zombies in this? It did this game has something called mobile? Doesn't even have it that's zombies, single player, you can play co-opted, 50, 000 likes, and I'll do this with a YouTuber or one of my friends. Fifty thousand.

Can I not like? Can I not have music I'd like to have the music please there 's's no signed? Did they forget about the sound there's? No sound in this key? Why can't I change the gun so much, there's really no sound on this game. Oh there's, a zombie easy kills. You guys, like the fake noises that we're putting for the bullets, ready, ready, ready. That's right! I'm cracked! Those noises' user hearing are not from the game, they're being edited in. Oh, what you can't well, this game's trash.

It has no audio. Let's go on to the next one. Okay, this one's called counter-attack. This one actually seems well-made um all right. This is kind of like the cod mobile tutorial yo, my movement's great.

I appreciate it simple tutorial. I don't need your tutorials, I'm goaded. Okay, we've got all fire, ladies and gentlemen, good to know SG. Oh, you guys ever seen the game cs go! That's what this game is kind of, like, I can't believe, there's so many of these like ripoff games. Oh, I've got a scope.

Look at that! I'm cracked dude, I'm telling you! I was controlling that recoil, but the bullets just go everywhere. Is this going to be a grenade thing? I knew it. I knew it was going to be a grenade thing. It's always a grenade thing with these games. When is it not a grenade thing, I'm practicing, throwing them easy, dub and the bomb? Okay buddy, I'm planting it a little of search and destroy action, easy they have gun game.

Oh my god. They have gun game dude, I'm going to be cracked, a gun game. Oh, where are they doingn't stop doing that? Yo, I'm in my heart. Let's go I'm dragged! This reminds me of CSGO's map, dust2, dude, you're, so easy. This is dust2.

I can't believe I'm getting I'm getting destroyed in a game that I don't even know how to play. Oh, oh, come at me: dude, I'm cracked! Okay, that's just that's bill. How is that him? Oh, look at this gun. Oh, I'm insane. Let's go bro! Oh all, right, gun game.

Let's go had a warm-up game. Oh my god! I lost it. You guys seen a little of it. Oh, oh dude! These guys are insane destroyed. Dude boasted! You want some of your dad.

You want something here. Come on man, what they like one shot, you no matter! What hey? I cannot get multiple kills. Your health doesn't regent. Yes, I'm on 16 health. I can't take any more shots.

Let's go. Let's go! Oh! No, that guy's about this game doesn't make any freaking sense, but it's definitely the best of the three. Let me kill you dude. Let's go! Oh my god get boasted dude. What get turned on? Oh, no feasted got the eagle headshot.

Oh, Beeton! No way! Don't let me do this to you. I think this is the last thing. I need to get a kill with what it takes two. Yes, I cannot believe how many times I'm dying in this game. Like that's, that's, that's just ridiculous.

I guess we should wrap up there. Then we took the w at the end, but I definitely wouldn't recommend playing any of these games. That being said, make sure to live your life with purpose and troll. The outro bye.

Source : iFerg

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