How To Reset Your Galaxy A20 Back To Factory Settings By Melvin Thompson

By Melvin Thompson
Aug 21, 2021
How To Reset Your Galaxy A20 Back To Factory Settings

Hey everybody, this is Melbourne with tech ran 24/7, and in today's video we want to show you how to reset your Galaxy 820 back to factory settings. Now you might want to do this for a couple of reasons. First, you might want to reset it, so you can pass it on to a relative, or you might want to reset it. So you cannot sell it to someone well, whatever the case, you need to make sure you reset it correctly, so the next person can use it without any problems. So the first thing we need to do is go into our settings, and so here on my home button here is my settings icon so tap on that to open it, and once you open up your settings, you want to scroll down to where you would see general management tap general management to open it, and once this is open, you want to go down to where you see, accounts, open accounts and once you open, the counselor will show you the accounts. We have set up for your phone and right now, I just have a Gmail and Samsung Account, and these are where the accounts they were put on the phone to set it up.

So you definitely want to remove. Both of these accounts are going to remove the Gmail, so the next person can put their information in here without any problems, and so what we want to do to remove it and tap on it. Real, quick- and it will take us to this next screen, and you'll, see where it says, remove account and if you have a passcode of your phone when you hit this, it's going to ask you to put your pass code into the phone to remove this account. But in this case I don't have a passcode on the phone at the moment, so hit remove, and then you get a pop-up screen at the bottom says: remove account tap that and, as you can see, the Gmail is now removed. Next we're going to remove our Samsung Account we're going to tap on it, and it takes us to this next screen.

Then we want to hit these three dots here and hit, remove account and then go down to the bottom hit. Remove again now it's going to ask us for our password, our Samsung password to remove this so once I password is in there hit okay, and it's going to go through the process of removing the account. So once our Samsung account has been removed when hit our back button at the bottom here, and it would take us back to this page, and then we want to hit reset and once we hit reset, we want to come down to where it says: factory data reset hit that, and then it shows us the different things it's going to remove. We want to scroll on down and then hit reset, and then it's going to ask us one more time. Do you want to delete it all? Of course, we do so we're going to hit delete all, and that was going through the process of resetting our galaxy 820.

Now this might take a little while like be done, but you have officially reset this device, so that's about it for our video for today. Hopefully we shared something that you can use and something that was beneficial, if so be sure to hit the subscribe button down below and hit the like button too and don't forget to hit the bell icon. So you can be notified of new content as soon as we release it and again this is Melbourne with Tikki running 24/7, bringing you technology, that's on the move, Thanks.

Source : Melvin Thompson

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