Huawei Nova 7i / Redmi Note 9 Pro / Realme 6 / Samsung A71 / iPhone 11 Pro BATTERY CHARGING TEST By Zeibiz

By Zeibiz
Aug 21, 2021
Huawei Nova 7i / Redmi Note 9 Pro / Realme 6 / Samsung A71 / iPhone 11 Pro BATTERY CHARGING TEST

Hi guys this is bast from cabin, and I'm back with another video. Today, I am going to do a quick charging test. With these devices on the table, we have the Huawei nova, 7i Redmi, note 9 pro realm 6 Samsung a71 and my 6-month old iPhone 11 Pro. Now these devices will use their original power adapter and will be plugged in a 5-way power outlet. The Wi-Fi, the Bluetooth and the location services will be turned off during the test, and I will be checking the temperature and the battery percentage of these devices in every 10 minutes. So guys, let's now proceed to the charging test.

There you have it guys. The device that fully charged first is the realm 6, followed by Huawei nova.7I next is Samsung a71 that charged nearly almost the same time with Redmi Note 9 pro and the last is the iPhone 11 Pro guys. If you are new to my channel, I already made the battery drain test of these devices. Please check it here to receive more videos like this. Please subscribe to my channel and don't forget to hit the notification bell again.

This is bast, and thank you for watching Salazar and manual.

Source : Zeibiz

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