How to Enter Fastboot Mode BLACKBERRY Key2 - Bootloader Mode By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 15, 2021
How to Enter Fastboot Mode BLACKBERRY Key2 - Bootloader Mode

Like a vlog for Ricky ? and let me show you how to enter the fast boot mode on the following device. So at the very beginning, let's start by pressing power key choose here: power of Android under your device will be completely switched off afterwards. We need to use the following combination of keys power, key and volume down. So, let's hold on to cover those two keys: keep holding power key and volume down spontaneously. You can release both keys as soon as blackberry, logo, pops up, and this is them to load our money and also the fast boot mode of this device. So, as you can see here, you can display the barcodes.

Let me do it. This is the barcodes of the device, the in my number for example. Here you can also put up device reboot into the fast boot and turn off the device. In my case, we simply put off the device to quit this mode. So, let's press power key.

This is the simple restart. So, let's just wait until the BlackBerry will show you the home screen excellent, the home screen pops up now you can unlock the device and start using your blackberry. So thank you for watching. Please subscribe our channel if thumbs up under the video.

Source : HardReset.Info

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