How to Check IMEI and Serial Number in LG K52 – Find Serial Number and IMEI By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 15, 2021
How to Check IMEI and Serial Number in LG K52 – Find Serial Number and IMEI

Hi everyone here we've got lgk52 and let me show you how to check EMA and serial number on this device. So actually we've got two different options to choose from the very first one is using a dialer and a secret code, and the second is using the settings. So, of course, I will show you both until let's begin with a dialer. So let's open it, let's go to dial and let me show you on the code, which is asterisk pound zero six bound and, as you can see by this code, we are provided with both email numbers attached to this device tap on the settings. Let's go to the very bottom of the step on the system that one about phone and as you can see here, we've got the serial number listed and under it, we've got both email numbers. If you cannot find them right here, no worries you can find the email using the status, which is right here and here we've got the email numbers and the serial number will be in the hardware info here.

We've got the serial number. So actually that's all. This is how to check email and serial number in your lgk52. Thank you so much for watching. I hope that this video was helpful and if it was please hit the subscribe button and leave the thumbs up.

Source : HardReset.Info

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