Great Budget S-Pen Alternative for the Galaxy S21 Ultra! By lawmanfj

By lawmanfj
Aug 21, 2021
Great Budget S-Pen Alternative for the Galaxy S21 Ultra!

Hey, what's up YouTube, this is layman FJ. I want to take a quick look at a pen uh. This pen works with the Wacom screens. Now this pin is originally made to replace the s pen for the tab s3, but I wanted to take a look at it because it has a clip that you could use to put maybe on a shirt collar or something like that, and I thought it might be a good k, a good pin to use with the s21 ultra if you didn't want to use the case all right. So let's go ahead and get started and take a look at this pin to see how it works and see if it's something you can use all right, let's get to it. Now you can get this from Amazon.

It's the eagle wireless replacement, stylus s pen for the Galaxy Tab, s3 all right now, uh! This is a picture of it right here and, as you can see, it has a little clip on the bottom. I don't know if you can see it on this uh camera, but you can see right, there's a clip there that you might can that's there a good picture of it right there, all right so 1799. Now this is not the original one for the tab, s3, but it's a replacement, and it's got some good reviews. So I want to check it out. I didn't want to buy anything too expensive because I do have the s pen for the case, but I didn't.

I thought this might be another pin option for you if you wanted to use this without using the case carrying that that thick case around all right now I'll put the link in the description for if you want to get it, let's go ahead and get started. Now. Here's the box, the pin, comes in its pretty minimal. Uh eagle wireless uh, five tips inside open this up all right. Now you got some uh.

You got five tip replacement right there. You got a tool to be able to take the clip out all right. Now, here's the pin right here. Okay, so we got the pin under the wrapper now it has a Samsung logo on there, but this is not an original Samsung pen does have a button right there and here's the tip all right now. I've heard some I've read some reviews where the tip didn't last very long.

Uh the tip became flimsy. This one feels pretty good, doesn't feel flimsy, you'll see how it is when you're right, but you got this clip here, you can clip onto your shirt or something like that and carry this pin with you without having to attach it to the case all right, and it's got a good size to it as well. All right now uh this doesn't have doesn't have Bluetooth or anything like that, but it's just uh a regular pin that you can use to operate the s pen. Now, let's go ahead and uh get started and take a look and see how it works. Okay, now this is this throwing ultra.

Now I got it in the s pen case right now. As you can see, this is the s pen that comes with that case. Let's take this out right now, uh, you can see the comparison there they're about the same length, the same length uh this uh, this tab is three pins is a little longer, but it's also thicker, as you can see right uh, so it's going to feel better in the hand now uh, but let's go ahead and see how this how does work? So this is the s pen button. Let's see what happens okay, so it does bring up the command when you air command, when you press the button, so it does work that does work. It connected no problem all right now, let's create a note, see how this writes.

Okay, so rice, pretty good uh, the pen doesn't have any latency that I can see that's noticeable, and the tip feels good. It's glass pretty! Well all right. So this is a might be a good replacement for you. If you want to use uh the s pen, all right and lets uh, let's see what happens when you highlight uh different areas of the uh device there. Now this functions just like an s pen, so I'm gonna pull up this.

I'm going to do smart, select just to get a piece of the screen, so you see that works just like the s pen right. So when you're in an app you know you can highlight and get uh the same type of pop-up that you get with the s pen, okay, so in apps that work well with the s pen, you can see uh it will magnify when you need to it'll scroll as well. So it works just like the s pen, all right, pretty good, pin for 17 all right that you can use to operate the s21 s pen, feature okay and the 120 hertz screen helps. I'm sure that you don't really see much latency any latency with this pin. Okay, okay, so that was a quick look at an s pen that you can utilize to work with your s.21 ultra now it's less expensive than the original uh, one that comes with the s1 ultra also less expensive than the tab. S3 pin so, but it does work all right and so uh I'll come back with an update uh in a week or two to see how it holds up all right now, if you got any questions hit up in the comments, if you liked the video give me a thumbs up and don't forget to hit the subscribe button down below for videos like this, this is lawman FJ.

Source : lawmanfj

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