Google Pixel 3 -vs- Samsung Galaxy S9: Fifty Camera Photo Comparisons (Obvious Winner here!) By iLuvTrading

By iLuvTrading
Aug 14, 2021
Google Pixel 3 -vs- Samsung Galaxy S9: Fifty Camera Photo Comparisons (Obvious Winner here!)

Hello everybody, so it took a bunch of photos using my Google Pixel 3 and my Samsung Galaxy s.9 now I took photos using the back camera as well as the front side. Camera and I also took a bunch of photos using that both effect the Google Pixel 3. They call it the portrait mode same as iPhone these steps of galaxy s 9. They call it selective focus, but it's basically the same thing. It just gives you that blurry background and the subject in front of you will be nice and clear. It's more like a both effect.

The only slight issue I had taking photos was with the s 9. Okay, when I'm trying to take a picture of myself using the selective focus a lot of times it could detect my face and even if I'm, using the backside, camera and let's say I- wanted to take a picture of like a leaf a lot of times. They would say they cannot apply effect, I kind of have the key moving like in and out anyways with the Google Pixel 3 I didn't have any kind of those issues, but let's go ahead and take a look at the photo to. Let me know what you guys think.

Source : iLuvTrading

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