Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL Leaked rumors in 1 minute By Jabber Tech

By Jabber Tech
Aug 14, 2021
Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL Leaked rumors in 1 minute

What's going on YouTube, this is jabber text. It's bringing you the latest leaks on the pixel to phone, which I happen to be really excited about, I, think it's a nice design and I really can't wait to order mine, which you know I will. So what we know so far is that it will have dual stereo speakers in the front. There will be some sort of water resistance, hopefully ip68. It will also start with a base model of 64 going upwards and hopefully to a 256 model, but I think this is great, because all phones should start with 64 gigs these days, especially when you're in the flagship territory. Next there will be no headphone jack very upset about that, but it's the way everyone's going.

It will be rocking four gigs of ram 835, processor or possibly 836. And finally, we have this HTC squeeze ability feature coming to the pixel phones, which allows you to squeeze your phone open up. The camera open up an app opens up your Google Assistant. Who knows what Google? Let us do with this thing? But let me know what you guys think I for one I'm really excited about this pixel design. I.

Think it's great I think pure Android is the way to go, but let's discuss it in the comments below I'll talk to you in the next one pace.

Source : Jabber Tech

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