Google makes Fun of Apple#2(You will hate Apple after seeing this) By TheReactShow

By TheReactShow
Aug 14, 2021
Google makes Fun of Apple#2(You will hate Apple after seeing this)

Four thousand dollars- I just want a phone that lets me take a pic at night without the flash popping off. Is that why you always wear sunglasses- and you know this Aquarian yeah? No, I do now. I love that color on you. By the way. Yesterday I had to delete a picture of my grandma. Why so? I could take a picture of my grandma.

I'd show you, but I'm already at two percent for a thousand dollars. This should last all day all night, and we're 98 better than that Aquarian. I like that. Math again, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! So hey everyone, Abby here, hi bad to my left. You have teddy and in my hand, is the new pixel 3.

, wait! Where's mine, I don't know. Okay, I think I left at my desk hang on today we're here to show you just how easy it is to switch to the new pixel 3. When transferring from iPhone turn off messages on all devices. First, I'm going to insert my sim card into pixel 3. Then I follow the directions on my pixel 3 screens.

I connect to Wi-Fi then connect my old phone to my pixel 3. Using the quick switch adapter sign into my Gmail account choose what I want to copy over from my old phone and then, while my data and apps are transferring to my new pixel 3, I can finish setting up my phone. I choose a pin set up my fingerprint security train, my Google Assistant to recognize my voice: okay, google, okay, google, hey google, hey google, and then I set up Google Pay, and I'm done. Okay. It was in my pocket the whole time stop.

Breathing on me. I'm ready to stop. Let's go! It's done! He's fine!.

Source : TheReactShow

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